Chapter 36

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Arizona's POV

The three of us are now on the way to the apartment. We got off the plan a little over an hour ago.

Callie ended up letting mark stay at the apartment in Seattle.

The taxi ride to the Apartment here in Malawi took forever it feels like. I'm so exhausted and just want to go curl up in bed. I start work again tomorrow and we are going to see if Callie can get a job at the same hospital

When we reached the apartment Jess started up the stairs before us, I held Callies hand and gave her a smile and we walked up the steps

Stopping in front of the door I had fumbled with the key before getting the door to open.

We walks inside and Jess to her things to her room and Callie and I stood in the walkway. This is the first time we are living together. We spent so many nights together in Seattle but we didn't a Live with one another

"Welcome home" I say and she smiles

"I'm exhausted. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed" I say

"I'll do the same" she says and we walk to my room. Putting our  suitcases on the floor next to the door.

We stripped our clothes and got into the shower, she's beautiful. Calliope is just- wow. I have seen her body naked a million times before but now, looking at her after being away for the time we were it's like it's the first time again

"You're staring" she chuckles and I blush and turns away

"Hey" she says and I look up at her

"You can stare, I don't mind" she smiles and leans down to connect our lips, I wrapped my arms around her from behind and laid my head on her back. Just taking in the skin to skin contact

"I love you" she says and I smile, not that she could see me

"I love you more" I tell her. We spent the next 10 minutes washing our hair and bodies until we were ready to get out

I wrapped myself in a towel and my hair in another one and walked out of my room down to Jess' to see if she was okay

Walking into her room and she was asleep laying on the covers on the bed. Her suitcase in the middle of the floor and her phone next to her. I smiled and cut the lights off and shut her door and walked back to my room

Callie had one her suitcases on the bed going through it, I walked over to my dresser and put s pair of panties on and back over to Callie and took one of her t-shirts from the suitcase

"Arizona" she chuckles and I put the shirt on and look at her innocently

"It smells like you and I missed you" I say and her smile faded

"Well I'm not going anywhere, ever" she says and pulls me into her

"Let's get into bed" I say and she nods and cuts the light off. We got into bed and I backed up into her and she wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me further

"I hope you like it here" I say,

"I have a feeling I'm going to love it" she says making me smile

Callies POV

After Arizona and I fell asleep we woke up the next morning with the sun shining in the windows,

Our alarm didn't even go off yet when the sun woke us up,

"I'm too tired to work" she groans and hides her faces in my chest

But what if it's meant to be? (Calzona)Where stories live. Discover now