Chapter 70

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Arizona's POV

It's been 2 days since everything has happened and tomorrow is Alex's funeral while tonight is a family night, His mom actually reached out to me and asked if I would bring Jess. She knew how close they were even if she wasn't around much, after talking with Jess she agreed to go. Since tomorrow she wouldn't be able to see him

Jess hasn't came out of her room since. She won't eat, all she does is cry and sleep and no matter what I do I feel like I'm failing her. I don't know how to help. The past few nights I have slept in her room with her, each time she just cuddled into me and cried. She blames herself for this and I have told her countless of times it wasn't her fault but, she's stubborn and upset and won't listen

"I don't know what to do Callie"  I sigh, we are in our room getting ready to leave,

"She just lost her Best friend, and to suicide... it's going to take a while for her to be okay. They were close. All I can suggest is for us to be there for her" she says and I nod and let her hug me

"She isn't eating," i sigh

"I know, and she will when she can" she assures me

"I'm going to go check on her again" I say and Callie nods,

I'm paranoid now, I hate leaving her alone, even if it's only for me to take a shower. I know how hard it is to lose someone close to you, but I couldn't imagine losing someone the way she did.

I knocked on her bedroom door and walked in when I got no answer,

She was sitting on her bed, dressed in only jeans and a bra while silent tears streamed down her face

"Oh Jess" I sigh and crouch down in front of her, taking her hands in mine

"If you want to stay home we can." I say, really i think it might be a good thing to go, so she can get some closure but in the end I'm not going to force her

"No I want to" she says and wipes her eyes and I nod

"I miss him" she cries and falls into my arms

"I know you do, I know" I soothe and just run my hand up and down her back until she calms down

"You want me to get you a shirt?" I ask and she nods

I picked out a shirt and handed it to her and she finished getting dressed

"Are you ready?" I ask softly and she nods

Callie drove to the funeral home and I sat in the passenger seat while Jess was in the back, listening to something with her headphones on and looking out the window

I still haven't given her the note, I sits on top of my dresser. But Callie said it may help, so tonight if she wants it I'm going to give it to her. I just hope what ever is written doesn't make things worse

When we got to our destination the parking lot was empty other than a few cars, seeing as it was only a family night and I don't think he had much family rest her than his mom and step dad

"Can you hold my hand?" Jess asked me nervously and I just took her hand on response and Callie took my other as we walked into the building,

Jess pushed further into me when we walked in, and we walked into the chapel, there was a slide show of pictures playing, Jess looked up and then hid her face into my chest

"Why don't we sit back here hm?" I ask and she nods, we room a seat in the back row, she laid her head on my shoulder and just watched as the pictures kept changing,

But what if it's meant to be? (Calzona)Where stories live. Discover now