Chapter 28

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Arizona's POV

"What?" Callie and and I take a breath

"The grant. I go to Malawi, only for a year unless it's something I want to continue and it will go for 2 more years" I explain

"And I want you to come with me" I say

"I- Arizona. I- I can't just leave. I have Aria here and Mateo. My job, everything is here" Callie says and I nod

"I know, and I know how much Aria and Mateo mean to you. But Callie I love you. So much and this opportunity is once in a lifetime" I explain

"Arizona I can't." She says and I nod, looking up at the ceiling blinking away my tears

"You want me to leave everything and move across the world" she says and I sigh

"I love you Arizona I do but I don't think our relationship can last long if you leave" she says

"Callie I'm going, in 2 weeks. Jess and I are getting on a plane. And I want you there with us, but I know it's hard because of your sister. Just please. Don't say no yet. Think about it. Please" I ask

"Okay.... I'll think about it" she says and pulls me into a hug

"I think, maybe I should stay at my place tonight. So I can think about this big life changing decision" Callie says and we both stand up

"I do love you Callie" I say and she smiles

"I know. I love you too" she says and gives me a kiss and walks out of the apartment.

After the door shut I walked back to my room with my wine and started a bath. I poured the bubbles in and got in after it

One of the main things I looked for in an apartment was the deep bathtub, the water comes up above my chest

I say in the rub for a few minutes, silently thinking and hoping that Callie would choose to come with me and Jess knocks on the door

"Come in" I say and she walks in stays at the door

"What's up?" I ask

"Are you okay?" She ask and I sigh

"I'm okay" I smile

"I don't think so. Callies not here and she is always here" she says and sits on the bathroom counter

"Well Callie decided that she wasn't going to be coming with us" I say sadly

"Really? I'm sorry" she sigh

"It's okay, we will still talk and hopefully be able to get through this" I smile, I really want to believe what I was saying

"Yea, I hope so" she says,

"I'll let you finish, I just wanted to see if you were okay" she says and I smile

"I'm okay, and I appreciate it. I love you" I tell her and she smiles

"I love you too" she says and walks out of the bathroom and closes the door.

I finish my wine in the tub then decided to get out

I threw on one of Callies t-shirts she left at the house and a pair of panties for bed.

I walked out of my room and down to Jess'

"Wanna come watch a movie with me?" I ask and she smiles

"Yes, always" she says and gets out of bed and follows me to my room where the both of us get under the cover and I put the movie 'White Chicks' on

Callies POV

I just left Arizona's after her telling me she wants me to leave my entire life here and move across the world for her, I decided on going to Arias instead of going home. I need someone to talk to about all of this. I mean just think of all the people I'm leaving, my sister, nephew. Mark, I don't think I can lose mark. He has always been there for me. He really is my Best friend

I pulled up outside of arias and parked the car. Walking to her apartment I was thinking of Arizona and how she didn't tell me about this. I am stuck in a cross road. Not knowing what to do.

I used my key to unlock arias door and I didn't see her in the living room so I walked back to her room, she was laying in her bed on her phone, and she looked over at me and nearly threw her phone

"Calliope fucking Torres, what the hell are you doing here?!" She yells and I ignore it and walk over to her bed and crawl under the covers with her

"Arizona is leaving" I say and she sits up and cuts the lamp on

"What?" She ask and I sigh

"She's going to Africa, her and Jess. She got this grant to work in a hospital in Malawi" I explain

"So she is just leaving you? Didn't even ask if you wanted to come?" She ask and I roll my eyes slightly

"No, she did ask. She asked if I wanted to come with her. But I can't do that. I can't leave you. Or Mateo. Or mark" I say thinking of all the people important in my life. Arizona and Jess being one of them

"Callie, I don't want you to have to give up your girlfriend for us. If you want to go then go. We will always be here when you get back. And you can always call" she tells me

"But I'm going to miss so much, I love her. I really do but, how can she expect me to give up my entire life for her. I would never have done that" I say, a little frustrated by the situation

"So you're saying if you had the chance to do what Arizona is doing you wouldn't ask her to go with you?" She ask and I sigh. Yes I guess i would.

"See, now how upset would you be if she didn't ask. And just said her and Jess are going" she says noticing my hesitation

" I guess I would have felt betrayed" I sigh and she nods

"Exactly. Callie I love you and so does Mateo. And I'd you decide on going to Africa. We will still love you and will be here when you get back" she says and smiles softly

"When does she leave?" She ask me and i scoff

"In two weeks" I explain

"That quick?" She ask and I just nod in response

"Can't you just tell me what to do?" I ask and she laughs

"No, I can't. This is something you need to do on your own" she says and I sigh laying my head back against the pillows

"Sleep on it" she says and cuts her light out again and lays down next to me

"You hog the blanket and I will stab you" she says and I turn around to face her

"Aria!" I exclaim and she laughs

"Shhh before you wake the baby" she says seriously and I roll my eyes

"Be nice" I tell her

"Im always nice"

Till next time❤️

Callie has a big choice ahead of her 🤔

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