Chapter 21

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Arizona's POV

Last night was amazing. To say the least. I'm not even going to lie, I had doubts, about Callie getting a divorce but to see she actually did it makes it known she wants this. Or at least thinks she does. She wanted me before I had Jess to think about. Why would she want to be in a relationship where I have a teenager now. I got up from bed making sure not to wake Callie and to go to the bathroom.  I used the bathroom and quickly got back into bed with Callie.

As soon as I got back under the covers she moved her arms over me and brought be flush against her body, still naked from the night before.

"Good morning" she mumbles into my hair

"Good morning" I chuckle and turn around to face her and she smiles

"Want breakfast?" I ask her, feeling ready to get up

"You?" She smirks and I hit her arm

"We have to be quick, I don't know if Jess is awake yet" I say and she quickly rolls on top of me

"Wait" I Giggle

"What?" She chuckles and hovers above me

"Shower" I say and she playfully rolls her eyes and lifts me up and I wrap my legs around her body as she takes us to the bathroom and cuts the water on, and pushed me against the cold material. Making me gasp at the contact


"Pass me my shirt" I chuckle, Callie and I were finally able to shower before the water ran cold, and were now in my bedroom just after 10 getting ready for the day and to make food, because I'm starving.

After the both of us got dressed we walked out of my room
To see Jess sitting on the couch with a smirk on her face

"What's that look for?" I ask walking past her

"You know the walls aren't that thick right?" She chuckles and I hide my face,

"I don't know what you are talking about" I say

"Oh Callie, don't stop. Ring a bell?" She ask, smirk plastered across her face

"Oh my god" I say turning away again and walking into the kitchen

"Come back here!" She yells

"No!" I chuckle and laugh at Callies now hot red face

"Does this mean I can have sex in the house too?" Jess ask as I brought her a drink out and Callie and I sat in the living room with her, Callie started laughing at her comment

"1,you are 15. 2 you can't even walk more than a few steps and 3, no" I remark

"Fine, but next time let me know before hand so I can have my ear plugs in" she teases and my face heats up once again

"You. Are horrible" I say and get up

"But I'm starving, food?" I ask and she nods

"Callie you like pancakes?" I ask

"She likes your pancake" Jess mumbles

"Jessica!" I lightly scold and she puts her hands up in surrender

"Fine, I'll stop" she says and I sigh going into the kitchen to start on a later breakfast and Callie joins me seconds later

"I'm so sorry" I laugh and wrap my arms around her

"It's okay," she chuckles

"She's a teenager. Their minds are always in the gutter." She smiles, and I give her a quick kiss on her lips and turn back to the stove 

I finished the pancakes and the three of us ate in the living room, the conversation of this morning not brought up again.

Callie had to leave not long after since she had to go get some things settled. She didn't go into much detail about anything so I'm not exactly sure what she had planned

I had the day Off, but I work the night shift tonight, which happens to be a 16 hr shift , 8pm-12pm Then I'm off and don't go in until 8am the next morning.

Callies POV

After I had left Arizona's I went back to the hotel so I could get ready for my 12 hour shift, I also plan on looking for some housing options later, after work. I'm thinking an apartment. Not anything permanent just enough for me. And Arizona if we need some time go ourselves without the 15 year old.

As soon as I arrived at work I rounded on all of my patients and had some down time before I had any  surgery's scheduled.

I was on my phone walking back to the lounge and Mark walked up beside me

"What's up with George?" He ask

"We got divorced " I say still not looking at him

"What?" He gasp

"Yep" I say keeping it short

"You sleeping with the blonde again?" He ask and I finally get annoyed by this conversation

"Mark! Listen. I'm not in the mood. Yes, George and I are divorced. Yes, I am with Arizona." I say and walk away from him.

Mark really is my best friend but sometimes it can be a bit much. He has helped me so many times though. No matter how much he gets in my nerves, with his never ending questions, nosy self. I love him and I know he will always be there for me through anything

As soon as I walked into the lounge, which Accompanied Meredith, George, April and Amelia. George stood up and walked out, with Meredith right behind him

"You know?" I ask and they both nod. I know April hangs out with Arizona, or at least she did so I'm not even sure if she knows anything

"Any of you know where mark is? Or Arizona?" Amelia ask and a hint of rage and jealousy shoots through me after remembering Arizona has once slept with Amelia, not too long ago

"Arizona's at home, mark is on 3rd" I say and she walks out with April watching me

" you knew?" I ask and she nods

"She was drunk when she told me" she says and I nod sitting on the couch

"Don't mess this up Callie" she says

"I wont" I reply and get a few minutes of rest before getting up and going to prep my patient for surgery

Till next time ❤️

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