Chapter 73

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Arizona's POV

Today Callie and I are going to sit down and talk about moving to Seattle. I know we both want to but I don't want to go back just because jess is upset and I really don't want Jess regretting this decision because if we move to Seattle we are not moving again.

Either way before we actuallly do decide Callie and I need to figure out if we have jobs in Seattle still. Richard said we would always have them but it has been over a year and we all know they had to be filled

I am going back to work today, Jess still won't go to school, and I am not going to force her,

I still am a little worried about going back to work but Callie has assured me Jess will be fine,

Also things with Callie had been a little strained ever since everything has happened. I spend my time so focused on Jess that I know I don't give Callie the attention she needs. Almost 2 weeks and we haven't done anything, the most affection we have given each other is small kisses here and there then when we fall asleep at night but Callie has been working nights the past 3 days

With her working nights we don't get that time together anymore, she has to leave right after dinner and she comes back after Jess and I had already woken up and by then I'm already with Jess trying to keep her mind off everything

She still ask about Seattle, like almost everyday and each time is the same answer of we don't know yet

Callie and I both had the same shift today but we are still driving separately incase I need to come home to Jess

"Are you sure you will be okay?" I ask Jess once I had gotten ready for work

"Yes I will be fine...." She says and I nod

"You want to go to school?" I ask and she shakes her head

"I'm never going back there" she says and I sigh

"Everyone saw me break down in the classroom. I'm not going back" she says and I nod. Not really having the time to go into this conversation right now

"We will talk about it later. I love you. Please call me if you need me" I say and kiss her head

"I will, love you too" she says and gets back under the covers and I walk out of her room and see Callie standing by the door

"And please eat something!" I call through the apartment as Callie and I walk out

"She'll be okay" Callie assured me and kisses my cheek

"Yea I know"

It's now nearing the end of my shift, I made it the entire day without having to go home and I called Jess at lunch just to check in

I haven't seen Callie all day besides when we had lunch together,

I was currently in my office finishing up the last of my paperwork before I met Callie in the lobby so we could go home

"How was your day?" She ask once I had met her

"It was good, better than I expected" I say and give her a kiss

"Good. I'm glad." She smiles

"What about yours? I haven't seen you all day" I frown

"I had more surgeries today than I have ever had here" she sighs and I squeeze her hand

"Maybe I can help you relieve some of that stress?" I ask and she chuckles and kisses me again

"I'll see you at home" she smiles and we get into our cars

"Jess?" I call out after entering the apartment with Callie behind me

"I'm in my room" she replies and I nod And walk back the hallway

"You don't have to check on me all the time, I'm fine" she says

"I don't care, I am still going to check on you because you're my baby" I say and she smiles and turns over and I kiss her head and walk out of her room

I went to the living room to find Callie but she wasn't there so I had walked back to our room and I could hear the water running in the bathroom

"Can I join?" I ask her,  not really wanting to do anything but wash off but still wanted to make sure

"Arizona you don't have to ask" she says and steps forward so I could get in behind her

"Well I didn't know if you didn't want me too" I shrug and she turns around and wraps her arms loosely around my waist

"And why wouldn't I want you to?" She ask and I sigh

"I don't know Callie... I just feel like things have been different" I admit, not looking her in the eye and feeling very vulnerable with being in our current state

"Can we just- wait until we're done?" I ask and she nods, placing a small kiss against my lips and turning us to where I was in front of her and she stood behind me

We quickly finished our shower and stepped out, Callie dried herself off and put on comfortable clothes and I sat down on the bed in my towel, I never got dressed immediately after unless I had somewhere to be

After about 5 minutes I got dressed and joined Callie in the kitchen since she was making dinner

"Are we okay?" I ask sitting down at the table

"Why wouldn't we be?" She ask and turns to face me

"I mean i know I have been focused more on Jess and we haven't been able to have any alone time together... I don't know I just feel like something is wrong" I say and she sighs

"Arizona... what happened to Jess is traumatic, you are her mom. You keep her safe. I would never expect you to put me before her, hell I wouldn't allow you to" she says and I nod

"Everything is fine, you have been busy with Jess and I have been busy with work." She states and turns back around to work on dinner

"Did you still want to talk after dinner?" I ask her

"I don't even see why" she says

"It doesn't matter Arizona. We both know we're going back to Seattle. I mean it's what Jess wants" she says not Turning around

"And shes 16. Yes I want her input but ultimately the decision is up to us" I say and Callie nods

"I don't care Arizona, I'm fine with whatever" she sighs

"A few weeks ago you wanted to go back and now you just don't care?" I Say

"Don't do that" she says

"Do what Callie?" I ask frustratedly

"Start a fight for nothing! You want to go back to Seattle? Great let's go, you want to stay I'm fine with that too." She says and I roll my eyes and get up to leave the kitchen

"Okay" I say simply and she sighs

"Arizona" she says and I shake my head

"I'm going to go for a walk. Can you make sure Jess is alright?" I ask and she sighs and nods and I leave the apartment

I just wanted to get some fresh air before I said something I know I would regret. I know she is upset, I mean I am too. I hate that we don't spend any time together.

After I cleared my head I walked back Inside the apartment and Callie was just about done with dinner

"I'm sorry" she says

"No I am. I promise the next time our schedules allow it we will have a date night. Just the two of us" I say and she nods

"And Callie, I want to go back to Seattle, I have wanted to go back for months. But I will not make this decision on my own. So until you can tell me what you want. No decision will be made" I say and she nods once again

"What if I want to stay?"

Till next time ❤️

Honestly this chapter is shit and the complete opposite of what I was going for...

But what if it's meant to be? (Calzona)Where stories live. Discover now