Chapter 57

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Arizona's POV

I'm engaged. I'm engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world. I can't believe it. I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with Callie. I mean I knew either way I was going to but knowing I'll make it official just feels good

Callie and I both took the day off and are currently cuddled up in bed together

I have to call my parents today and April. Oh and Jess! She is going to be excited, or at least I hope so

I don't know what I'm going to do if she isn't,

I also feel like callie picked a good time to propose seeing as we leave for the Maldives in less than a week that Jess still doesn't know about

I felt Callie began to press kisses against the base of my neck and I smiled and rolled over and positioned myself above her And pressed kissed along her collar bone

"I think we should stay in bed everyday"

Callie and I got out of bed a little while ago and I got to call my parents, they already knew about Callie proposing! She has been planning to do it ever since we were back in Seattle.

The fact that she talked to my parents just shows so many more levels of love

I'm assuming since my parents know then I'm sure Jess does. She should actually be getting home in the next half hour

Callie just left to go get some groceries since we were running out.

Once Jess gets home Callie and I are telling her about The Maldives,

Since she stayed with Amara last night she is due home before 3.

"Bye... I love you" I hear Jess say at the door a few minutes before three

"Wellll?" She questions coming into the living room and sitting down next to me and I hold up my hand while smiling

"Oh my god! Oh my god! I love it! God im so happy for you guys" she exclaims happily and pulls me into a hug then Callie

"Speaking of which.... I want you to be my maid of honor" I smile and she jumps off the couch

"Really?" She ask and I laugh and nod

"Really." I assure her and tears fall off her face and I frown

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask and she shakes her head

"No-nothing I'm just so happy" she says and I smile and give her a hug along with Callie

"Well... we also have one more thing to tell you" Callie says and she looks over at her confused

"Remember when you told Arizona that you wanted to go to the Maldives for your birthday?" Callie asked her

"You didn't-" she gasp

"We did... we leave Wednesday" I tell her and she smiles and gives us both a hug again

"I love you guys so much. Thank you for everything" she says and lays back into me

"How about the three of us just have a lazy day?" I suggest and both of my girls agreed

"Wait! I have to call Amara and Alex" Jess says and gets up from the couch

"Okay, you do that and we'll get some snacks ready for a movie" I say and she nods and goes to her room

It took that child 30 minutes on the phone before she came back out to us. Being here she made a few friends but other than Amara,  no one comes close to Alex.

If she isn't talking about or to Amara it's Alex. From what I heard about him he doesn't have to best  home life so while he is here I try to make sure I'm doing everything I can

"About time" I tease when she sits down in the middle of us and halfway on top of me at first

"Sorry" she says and I smile and throw one of my arms around her shoulder

"Yea yea" I chuckle and we all get comfortable to watch our movie.

The three of us stayed on the couch basically all day, we ordered pizza for dinner and now I just got out of the shower and was wrapped in a towel while Callie finished getting dressed. She is the type of person who dries themselves off and gets dressed immediately. Me on the other hand... I take my time, which means sitting on my bed in my phone while I dry off into the towel

As soon as Callie got dressed Jess walked into the room. Perfect timing.

"We could have been naked" I say unamused

"Sorry.. I should have knocked but I forgot. I'm sorry" she says and looks down

"It's okay, come here" I say and hold my arms out and she smiles and sits next to me

"Is everything okay?" I ask and kiss the top of her head and she nods

"Yea.... But, um, can I talk to you?" She ask quietly and I nodded

"I'll give you two some alone time" Callie says and I give her a thankful smile

"Let me just get dress quick" I say and got up from the bed, I turned around and moved the towel around my waist and slipped a large t-shirt over my head and slipped on a pair of shorts and got into bed,

I held my arms open and Jess climbed into them and under the covers as she rested her head on my chest and I began to run my fingers through her hair

"What's going on in your beautiful mind?" I ask

"Um, I don't know how to ask... I don't want to make you upset, but- I feel like I need this. I think this is important to me and I think it's what is holding me back from something also important" she says quickly

"Okay.... Calm down love..." I say and she nods

"Now what do you want to ask?" I try

"Um... is it possible to get Beths number?" She asked me and I paused my movements for a Moment out of surprise

"You want to talk to your mom?" I ask and she nods against me

"Yes.... But, she isn't my mom anymore.... You are" she says and I smile big.

"I love you sweet girl." I say and pause to kiss her head

"And.... If you want to talk to your mo-.. Beth. Then I will do my best to get that information" I assure her

"But , is there any particular reason you want to talk with her?" I ask, still running my fingers through her combed hair

"Thank you.... And I just want to ask her something" she says and I nod deciding not to push it.

"You're welcome my love, I'm call Monday to see what I can do" I smile and Callie knocks on the door and comes in

"Everything okay?" She asked and I nodded

"We're okay" I say and Jess goes to get out of the bed

"Ah, where are you going?" I ask and pull her back down with me

"To my bed?" She chuckles and I shake my head

"I want you to sleep in here tonight. I miss your cuddles" I say and she smiles and gets comfortable again with her head on my chest as Callie gets into bed behind me,

Till next time❤️

I'm having trouble deciding something. I have one more kind of big plot I want to add but I also don't know if I want to continue the story for that much longer... let me know what you guys think!

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