Chapter 42

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Arizona's POV

Callie had to be in work today at an ungodly hour this morning after not getting home till midnight,

Her shift was small so she could come home and go back to bed once she gets off

"I have to go now" she says giving me a kiss

"I love you," I say and i see her smile

"When I come home there Better be two very much alive people in this house" she says and I chuckle

"I'll do my best" I say watching her from my position Laying on the bed

"I love you" she chuckles and gives me a kiss and leaves the bedroom, cutting off the light on the way

I rolled back over and got comfy under the covers again, it having to be up for a few hours when Ada comes to get Amara

A few hours later I woke up and it was nearing 11, Ada was due to get Amara at 12 so I had time to get up and shower and make sure the girls are awake

I got out of bed and didn't bother to make it, I never got the point of that. Tim and I were always told to make our beds. And when we didn't a lot of the time we would get in trouble. The colonel said that a successful days starts with a freshly made bed, but Tim and I never cared. We only did so we didn't get in trouble. I don't think it made a difference wether our day was successful or not

I got out of bed and jumped In the shower, discarding my clothes at the bathroom door, once o finished I brushed my teeth and grabbed my clothes taking them out to the wash and going back into my room so I could get ready

I don't even plan on leaving the house so I just kept it simple with a pair of leggings and a t-shirt and threw my hair in a messy bun and walked down to Jess' room

Walking in Amara was awake and on her phone while Jess was still asleep

"Hey"'I smile and lean against the door frame

"Hi" she says cutting her phone off and laying it in her lap

"I'm really sorry about yesterday, we crossed a line and I wasn't thinking" she sighs

"I know, I know" I say

"And I also know that it's going to happen wether I like it or not and it's no use being mad over it" I tell her and she looked at with shocked

"You're not mad?" She ask and I shake my head

"No, not about that." I say and she nods, not really my place to be telling Jess' and I's business

"She's been acting different" Amara whispers, making sure not to wake her up

"How do you mean?" I ask and she shrugs

"It's just different, like the music last night, I told her to turn it off and usually she wouldn't have done it in the first place" she says and I nod, which is true

All besides the one time her music stays down, and all before this past week or so Jess has never acted out like this. Rather than a few eye rolls here and there. But I do think something more is going on

"I know what you mean, and I plan on figuring out why today" I say and she smiles and nods and Jess starts to wake up so she puts a hand on her back

"My moms going to be here soon so wake up" she whispers and Jess opens her eyes, I left the two alone after that and went out to the kitchen to get a yogurt

A few minutes till 12 and Ada showed up, the girls came out, they said goodbye and Amara left and Jess went to go back to her room

"Sit" I tell her and she sighs and comes back out to the living room and sits on the couch

"You're mad that we were making out on the couch?" She ask and I sigh, the lord is testing me

"No I'm not mad. I think you're too young to be having sex. I do. But I know that it doesn't matter what I think" I say and she doesn't say anything

"And I want to be the person that you come to when you have questions or are worried about something, I want to the person you trust with these things. Not the person you're scared of finding out" I admit and she looks up at me

"I do trust you. And I know we are young but I trust Amara. I trust her with my life. And I know she wouldn't hurt me" she says and I smile and put a hand on her knee

"Now that, that's out of the way. We need to talk about your behavior" I say and she groans

"I don't know what you want me to say to that one. We just had the whole heart to heart and now you're ruining it?" She questions and I chuckle

"I'm afraid so" I say and she sighs

"It's not like you" I say

"Well I don't know what to tell y'a" she says

"I think first off we take action for yesterday's attitude" I say and she crosses her arms

"Which means?" She ask

"Which means you're grounded. No phone and no having Amara and Noah over" I say

"What!? You can't do that" she scoffs

"I can and I will. And if I can't trust that you will abide by these terms then I will pick you up from school everyday and take you to the hospital" I say

"That's bull-" she says and stops herself

"How long?" She ask

"I don't know, depends on your attitude here on out. If it continues then so will the period of which you are grounded" I say and she sighs

"Are you going to go through my phone?" She ask and I shake my head

"No, I won't do that ever. It will stay locked and in our room" I say

"Fine" she replies  and goes to leave

"Jessica" I say and she groans and turns around dropping her phone in my hand

"Thank you" I say and I just know she rolled her eyes walking away

Once I heard her bedroom door shut I walked back to my room and put her phone in my nightstand drawer texted Callie on what she wanted for dinner.

I also went over the scans Richard sent me and it looks like we will be heading back to the states soon

Till next time ❤️

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