Chapter 10

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Callies POV

Arizona hasn't left Jessica's side since she told her that her parents left besides when she has to actually do surgeries.

She has gotten really attached to the girl. Social services still haven't been able to come in they said they were booked up and couldn't send someone until tomorrow,

"Callie!" I hear Maggie yell from behind me so I stop and turn around

"Hey, is everything okay?" I ask her and she nods

"Yea, it's just there's someone looking for you, Says she is your sister?" Maggie says and I sigh

"Where is she?" I ask

"Downstairs, I seen her when I was updating Avas Dad. I didn't even know you had a sister" she says

"Yea, we're not on good terms, she takes her trust fund and blows it all the time, never worked a day in her life. She only calls when she needs something" I say and walk past Maggie and downstairs to meet my little sister

"Callie! Hi" Aria smiles

"What are you doing here?" I ask and she frowns

"Not even a hello?" She ask and I sighs

"You never keep in contact, you never want anything to do with me and now you show up out of no where," I say and she rolls her eyes

"I'm pregnant Callie, I met with a doctor and they said somethings wrong. I don't know what it was I forgot but your a doctor so I figured you could help" she says

"I work on bones Aria" I say and sigh

"But yes, I have someone who can take a look. Come on" I say and she nods and follows me up the stairs

"And um, congratulations" I say and she smiles

"Thank you" she says and rubs her stomach as I take her into an empty room on the maternity floor and got her checked in

"I'll be back, I need to go find my co-worker" I say

"Thank you Callie" she smiles and I nod and walk down to the PEDS floor to find Arizona.

I walked into Jess's room and Arizona was sitting by her bed as she slept and she was filling out some charts

"Hey" I smile and she looks up and smiles back at me

"Calliope hi" she smiles

"How is she?" I ask and she sighs

"She's okay, I think she was really tough about not wanting her parents here but when they left, it was different. Physical though, it's a long road which you know" she says and I nod

"You're right" I sigh

"And I hate to ask but I need a favor" I say

"Yea of course, anything" she smiles and gets up leaving her charts on the chair

"My sister is here. She's pregnant and said some doctor told her something was wrong with the baby and I was wondering if you could take a look? I understand if you don't want too or are too busy" I say and she smiles

"Of course I will calliope" she smiles and I lead her up to Arias room

"Hi, you must be aria?" Arizona questions walking into her room

"Yea, are you the baby doctor?" She ask and Arizona nods

"I am. I am certified in Fetal surgery, and a pediatric surgery" she says

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