Chapter 43

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Callies POV

Today Arizona, Jess and I are flying to the states. I am definitely happy to see my sister and nephew and I can't forget about Mark. I miss them and it's hard to FaceTime to often because of the time difference.

It's also Ironic that while we are in the states, in Seattle it Will be out one year anniversary of the first time we had sex, the night we I went back to her place after only just meeting her at the bar,

And that turned out to be the best decision of my life and i plan on living the rest of my life with her.

While in Seattle I am using one of the nights there for me to be with Aria, Jess is excited to watch Mateo for her

While with Aria I want her to help me pick out something for Arizona, like a ring, well of course it's a ring:

I went to make her mine officially, I want her to know and I want everyone to know that she is the one I plan to spend the rest of my life with,

And she will know, everyone will.

I need Arias help to pick out a ring for her. And help me plan, Aria was always the one that had all the ideas for parties and for special occasions

It's currently 10am and we have to leave at 11 if we want to catch our flight

We plan on staying In  Seattle for a week,

While Arizona has her surgery, it's a case of conjoined twins, she is supposed to go in and do something and then have another OB deliver them in 2 months.

If everything goes as planned then we will leave at the end of the week, but if there are complications we will end up having to stay a little while longer,

Arizona's POV

"Arizonaaaaa, please" Jess ask,

"Jessica no, Amara can not come with us," I say, we were all moving our suitcase to the living room so it would be easy to get into the taxi

"Why not?" She ask

"For starters, you're still grounded, secondly Even if you weren't she doesn't have a passport" I say sighing and dropping my purse at the door

"I can't be grounded the entire time we're in Seattle" she says and I see Callie leaning in the doorway of the kitchen

"Drop it and go get your bag" I sigh and she groans and walks back the hallway and callie comes over to me

"I think you're handling this well" she says and I roll my eyes playfully

"This is hard" I chuckle

"No one ever said it would be easy, I just feel bad for my parents, Aria and I weren't the best teenagers, we were always sneaking out and getting high or drunk" she says like it's the most normal thing in the world

"Calliope! Don't tell me that" I say and she smiles and gives me a kiss

"Jess is being a normal teenager, don't worry about it" she tells me and I smile and give her another kiss as Jess comes out

"Can I have my phone on the plane?" She ask

"Let's go" I say, and usher everyone out of the house


Once we landed in Seattle we got a taxi straight back to my place so we could get some sleep,

We each took our bags to our room? I quickly took off the clothes o was wearing and just climbed into bed in my panties and Callie did the same

"I'm so exhausted" I yawn and she kisses the base of my neck

"Me too, now let's get some sleep before having to go to the hospital" she says and I nod with my eyes already close,

We woke back up a few hours later and decided it was time I go into the hospital so I can meet the family,

The surgery is a conjoined twins one, baby A is not getting enough blood so I have to go in and divert the blood to make sure each baby is getting enough.

Richard wants me to stay two months so I can help when they separate them, I just can't leave my job back in Malawi and Jess has school.

I told him that I would do my best to come back in two months but even if I can't they have a wonderful team of doctors

After getting dressed I walked down the hall to Jess room and she was awake staring at the ceiling

"What are you doing?" I chuckle

"I'm bored" she replies

"Do you want to come to the hospital with us?" I ask

"Can I have my phone?" She ask


"Then I'll come" she says and gets out of bed,

I left her to get dressed and I went back to my bathroom so I could put on a little
Makeup and met Callie back in the living room where Jess joined us

"How long are we staying in Seattle?" Jess ask

"Just the week" I say and she nods as we all get into the car

Once we arrived to the hospital I was so excited to finally see my friends again

We walked straight to the Attending's lounge and April, Mark, Amelia, Jackson and George were in there

"Arizona!" April squeals and jumps up to give me a hug

"Torres!" Mark smiles and walks over to Callie

"I missed you so much" April says

"I missed you too" I smile

"Looking hot Robbins" Amelia comments and I chuckle as Callie glares at her

"Not looking to bad yourself" I smirk and she smiles

"We should catch up" she winks and I laugh,

"Hey!" Mark and Callie both say causing us all to laugh

"I'm just kidding," Amelia says and walks out of the lounge but not before pressing a kiss against Marks lips

"I have to go see Richard, come with?" I ask April and she nods

Jess, April and I walked out of the lounge and started our way to Richards office

"You slept with her?" Jess ask

"Once, before I was with Callie" I say

"And Callie slept with that one awkward looking guy?" She ask

"Mark?" I ask and she shakes her head

"No the other one" she says

"Jackson?" April ask

"No, I don't know his name, he was just like staring at Callie the entire time we were in there" she says and I think back to who was in the room

"Oh she means George" April tells me

"Oh, yea- she was actually married to him" I say and Jess' jaw drops

"What!?" She whisper yells and I chuckle

"Yea, a long time ago" I say and April gives me a side eye

"Wow, I didn't see that coming"

Till next time ❤️

I don't really know much about the medical part to bare with me 😅

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