Chapter 46

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Callies POV

When we got back to the apartment Arizona had to start getting ready so she could head to the hospital, Jess and I were going to ride with her, so we didn't have to stay at the house all day,

After Arizona found a procedure plan with the other surgeons she is going to run Jess and i home and go back to the hospital

Aria will then come over and drop Mateo off and I will go back to her place with her so we can look at some rings

I can't wait for the perfect opportunity to make Arizona my wife, my forever.

"Are you ready?" Arizona called out of our room after she got dressed

"Yea!" Jess yells back

I cut the light out in the bedroom and Arizona and met Jess in the living room

"My parents want to come over and see you"  Arizona says to us, we have never met her parents,  from being busy with helping Jess after the accident and then Arizona fostering her, not long after they moved to Africa,  I think Arizona mentioned  once that they were going to come visit but ended up getting the flu so couldn't,

"That will be good, glad to finally meet them in person" I say

"Tell them tomorrow? My surgery is the next day" she says and I nod

Arizona's POV

I am really excited to see my parents, it's been over a year since I seen them, they live states away so it wasn't very often I seen them,

I try to talk with my parents every Sunday, but since we moved to Africa and with the time difference it's a little hard to always get it on time

They do know about Callie and Jess though, we have even FaceTimed all together. Jess is usually really excited to talk to them on Sunday's,

It's really sweet the way she gets happy about it, she actually asked if it was okay to call my mom, grandma,  so now if it's a Sunday and we haven't called she will come into our room and ask if we are calling grandma,

I know my mom is happy, she always wanted grandkids. And Guaranteed she didn't get to spoil her as a child but she is there now

"Is that okay with you sweetheart?" I ask Jess quietly and she nods

"What if they don't like me? In person. I have only seen them on the phone" she says nervously

"They love you" I assure her

"And are very excited to meet you" I say and she smiles

"I don't know why I'm so emotional lately" she chuckles and wipes her eyes

"And it's okay because everyone gets emotional every once in a while" I tell her

"Oh and before we leave come with me" I say taking Jess' hand and going towards Callie and I's bedroom 

I let go of her hand and walked over to my dresser and got her phone and gave it back to her

"Really?" She smiles

"Really, it's been almost a week and I think that's long enough" I say and she wraps her arms around me tightly

"Thank you" she says and I kiss the top of her head

"You're welcome babes, now let's go back out before. Callie comes looking for us" I chuckle

When we finally made it to the hospital Callie left and I walked with Jess to the lounge, she had her phone in her hand since I gave it back to her

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