Chapter 74

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Arizona's POV

"What if I want to stay?" Callie ask

"Well.... If you want to stay then we stay" I say and she scoffs

"Arizona why?" She ask

"Why what Callie? If you are happy here then we stay" I say

"But you're not" she counters

"No, I never said I wasn't happy, just that I wanted to go back to Seattle" I tell her

"But Callie you have given up so much for me, you left in the begging to come here for me. So if you want to stay that is fine, we can stay" I tell her and she just stares at me

"You'd give up Seattle for me?" She ask

"Callie! Just listen to me!" I express and walk over to her

"I love you. More than I ever thought was possible to love a partner. I would give up anywhere to be with you. To make sure you're happy. Callie I- I just. I want you to understand: it's my turn to give up something for you." I say and I wipe my eyes quickly

"Arizona I- I don't want to stay here" she says

"You just-" I began until she cut me off

"I know! I know what I said. But I didn't mean that. I just wanted to know what you would say" she says

"You think I wouldn't care about your feelings?" I ask, a little hurt

"No, Arizona that's not" she says and her stupid pager goes off

"You're not even working" I say

"I'm on call" she says

"Since when?"

"The beginning of the week, I forgot" she says and i scoff and roll my eyes

"Go Callie, you obviously have somewhere better to be" I say

"Arizona it's work" she says going to our room to get dressed

"And you knew we were supposed to sit down and talk tonight, you know like married people do or dod you forget?" I say

"Just stop it Arizona" she sighs

"I'll be home when I can" she says and walks out the door, not even a goodbye or and I love you,

"I love you," I whisper and go to the kitchen to finish dinner

"Jess! Dinners done" I yell a few minutes later and she comes out with her blanket wrapped around her

"Eat" I instruct and put a plate in front of her and she nods and does

After dinner Jess stayed and washed dishes while I cleaned up the dining room

"So..." she begins

"Jess... not now" I sigh, still very frustrated with what happened with Callie earlier

"Why?" She whines and I shake my head

"I told you I will tell you when I know something now drop it" I say a little more sternly than I had meant too

"That's not fair you're never going to talk" she fights and I sigh

"It is fair. When Callie and I talk you will be the first to know. You don't need to keep asking all the time" I say and she rolls her eyes

"Look. I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now. Now please go to your room" I say calmly,

"Seriously? All I did was ask a question. You don't even care" she scoffs and gets off the couch

But what if it's meant to be? (Calzona)Where stories live. Discover now