Chapter 3

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Callies POV

I just finished my surgery with the new Chief of Pediatrics, she doesn't talk much or to me at least,

She kept looking up at me like she knew me, or I knew her,

We scrubbed out together and she still had her mask on her face

"Dr.Robbins?" I question as she wouldn't say anything once everyone left and she pulls her mask down

"Arizona!?" I ask in a whisper

"Hey Callie" she smiles nervously

"I didn't know you were a surgeon" I sigh resting my hands on the sink, what if people find out? What if George finds out everyone is going to hate me

"Yea well you never mentioned it either" she says discarding her towel

"Well it's nice to see you again Calliope" she smiles, the way she says it. I hate being called calliope but this is different.

"How did you know my name is Calliope?" I ask her and she points to my name tag and Chuckles

"It's cute, and it fits you" she smiles and goes to walk past me

"And I think you left something at mine yesterday" she whispers in my ear and smirks walking out

The one time I have a one night stand I work with her! I have never even slept with a girl before last night, I mean yea I have had my crushes but it just seemed so natural yesterday

"Torres" I hear Mark behind me and I smile turning around, Mark is my best friend and has always been there for me when I needed it

"Hey Mark" I smile

"Have you seen the new PEDS surgeon?" He ask me

"Uh yea I had surgery with her" I say, which isn't a lie

"Hot ain't she?" He ask and I chuckle, he's definitely not wrong there

"What?" He ask me

"Nothing" I smile

"You don't think she's hot?" He ask me

"Oh no I think she is very hot but I'm not sure she is Into you" I say unable to take back what I just said

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm very likable" he says and I roll my eyes

"Nothing, try it mark" I smile knowing he isn't getting far

"I will" he smirks and walks away

Arizona's  POV

Well that was interesting. Seeing Callie here was definitely not part of the plan, she's cute though, and  it's definitely not a bad thing

I updated the parents and went back to the lounge since I had no other patients today as it was my first day

I walked in and this time there were surgeons I havnent Met

"This is the attendings lounge" one of them remarks

"Yea I know, I'm the new head of pediatrics" I say

"Oh shit I'm sorry" he says and one of the girls hits him in his stomach

"I'm Jo! And that's Alex" she says smiling and pointing to the guy next to her

"You're one of the attendings on PEDS?" I ask

"Yea" he says

"Well I'm Arizona and it's nice to meet you all" I say

But what if it's meant to be? (Calzona)Where stories live. Discover now