Chapter 33

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Arizona's POV

Well that happened, I kissed the love of my life after breaking up? I don't know. I guess we never officially said we were done. I kind of just told her to go home and she did. She didn't protest or try to convince me other wise, she just left.

Now we live on different continents. And i really enjoy Africa, and Jess is enjoying it. It's not just me I have to think about anymore. I have Jess, I can't just keep uprooting her life just for a relationship. And I can't and won't ask Callie to come with us again. Why force someone to do something they aren't willing to do? Makes no sense and isn't right for me to do so.

When Jess and I left the hospital we were both smiling after I told her the news that Callie was coming over. The two of them had a very special bond. They would talk a lot when Callie had come over it was often those two and I absolutely loved that relationship.

"You know what I didn't realize?" Jess ask when we walked into the apartment, I missed this place a lot too

"What?" I ask, dropping my things on the table

"How much more happier Callie makes you. Yea you seemed happy in Africa or if not you were good at hiding it but as soon as you saw Callie you lit up and you have been smiling Ever since" she tells me and I blush a little. That's something I have never thought about, I didn't realize this. Yea Callie makes me happy but noticeably happy? I was completely oblivious

"I miss her" I sigh

"I miss her a lot and seeing her today I don't know put some type of hope back on the table, seeing her after not speaking for a while, I love her so much it hurts that we aren't together anymore" i tell her honestly

"And in Africa, I was happy. I am happy. I'm not faking that I promise" I smile at her, I am telling the truth. I adore it where we are now. The people are nice and so welcoming at the hospital, besides here at home they are best bunch I could have met. Callie would have loved Adas Husband. I met him once and he reminded me a lot Mark.

Jess and I are only here for the rest of week and going back to Africa.

"She loves you Arizona, who knows maybe she will come this time" she chuckles

"I don't know, her reasons were spot on" I explain

The two of us took a shower and I started dinner, not sure what time Callie was supposed to show or even if she would at all.

Dinner done around 6 and Jess and I made our plates and I made one for Callie, even if she didn't show someone would eat it.

Jess and I decided to eat in the living room so we sat on the couch one of us in either end and we watched the second Harry Potter Movie, Callie once told me she never watched Harry Potter and I joked with her about it being a deal breaker. That night we stayed up way too late and watched the first 3 and never got the chance to continue them

We finished dinner and Jess went back to her room to talk to Amara even though it was pass midnight there, the three of those kids, Noah, Jess and Amara get along so well. And Ada is wonderful, she definitely raised amazing kids. Noah and Amara are a year apart. Noah is 16 and Amara is 15

It was reaching closer to 10 pm so I decided on going to bed, Callie still hadn't came and I didn't hear from her so I thought she just wasn't coming,

Once I changed and as soon as I got into bed there was a knock on the door. Of. Course

I got out of bed and wrapped a robe around me since it was a bit chilly and all I had on was a simple tank top and went to open the door

"Im sorry it's late" she says first and I smile softly

"It's okay, come in" I say and open the door for her to come in

"You have a key though, you didn't need to knock" I tell her

"Arizona, it's not my place to just walk in anymore" she says and I frown but nod understanding

"I made you a plate with dinner, I put it back in the fridge" I tell her and she smiles

"You didn't have-"

"I know but I wanted too"'I tell her taking her hands in mind

"How about we talk first?" She suggest and I nod and we go to the living room couch

"I miss you" I blurt out and blush and she chuckles

"I miss you too, I gave you all these reasons why I didn't want to go Africa with you and I haven't even left my bed unless it's to go to work, I haven't seen Aria and I live with mark but we don't talk" she says and I register what she said

"You live with mark?" I ask, I know they used to be really close. But how close?

"Yea, he moved in the night you left and no i didn't sleep with him. Moving on, I miss you Arizona. I miss you more than words can explain and I have so much love for you it hurts, it physically hurts to be away from you" she says and starts to get choked up so takes a breath.

"Calliope" I say warmly, I know she likes when I call her that, she won't let anyone else do it

"Kiss me" I say and she looks at me confused

"Kiss me" I repeat and she takes no time connecting our bodies, her hand immediately behind my head, keeping me in front of her and my hands move to cup her cheeks before pulling apart and resting our heads together

"I love you so much, you are.. you are you! You're gorgeous you're kind and a loving and I love the way I am around you. I was told recently that being around you makes me happier than I have been. I know it's selfish for me to want you to come with me. Back to Africa but calliope the offer to still stands. The hospital is great. The people are so nice. Jess has friends there" I say smiling, hoping she takes the offer

"I made the mistake of letting you go once, I won't make it again" she smiles

Till next time ❤️

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