Chapter 60

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Arizona's POV

Our first night on vacation was a success, we were all pretty tired after the flight so we all crashed after dinner last night,

Jess ended up staying in our bed last night, she said she was a little scared sleeping in a new place by herself. Callie and I both didn't mind her with us and she fell asleep almost instantly after laying down

"Arizona... Arizona wake up" Jess says, now standing next to the bed so she must have gotten up without us knowing

"What's wrong?" I mumble

"Nothing but can we go explore now?" She ask excitedly

"Jess... go back to bed" I sigh, really not wanting to get up yet

"It's already 9! Please!! I'll love you forever" she says and I open one of my eyes to look at her

"So are you saying if we don't go now you'll stop loving me?" I ask

"No! I just- ugh!" She groans and flops down on top of me

"Jessss" I sigh and move over so she could sit in the bed comfortably

"I love you" she cheekily smiled and I rolled my eyes but smiled back

"I love you too, now go and I'll get Callie up" I say and she smiles and jumps out of bed and runs out of our room

Once Callie and I were up and ready we met Jess in the living room and we all walked down to all the shops

" I think we get bikes later" Callie says and both Jess and I agree

"Let's stop and get an early lunch" I say and lead us towards a little outside diner

After lunch we walked around a little more before finding a bike rental shop,

"Hey, I'm Josh. What can I do for you?" He asked us. He couldn't have even been 18

"We are looking to rent 3 bikes, for?  5 days?" I tell him

"Okay, are you staying with the resort?" He asked

"Yea" I reply

"Okay perfect, you actually get it 3 days free. Would you like me to put the remaining onto your bill or do you have a different way of payment you prefer" he asked and I looked to Callie to see if she had an opinion

"You can just add it to the bill" Callie tells him and he nods and hands us our receipt and walks us around so we could get the we each needed

Once we were done we each took our bikes and rode around a little, Jess was laughing the entire time and smiling with her blonde hair flowing  behind her

We rode around, not really in any particular way, just enjoying the sunlight when Jess pulled over so we stopped next to her

"You okay?" I ask and she nods

"Yea... can we go swimming now?" She asked

"Let's do it" I smile

"I'll race you!" She exclaims and takes off with Callie and I laughing right behind her

Callie ended up beating us both back to the house and Jess was right behind her

"I don't know how you are so fast" Jess says out of breath and Callie just chuckles

"I'll never give away my secrets" she smirks

"Both of you go get changed" I say shooing them away and they smiles and walk in.

I waited a few minutes just taking in the sunlight before walking in and going to change myself

Once we were all changed we walked out on the deck

"See I like that suit wayy better" I chuckle seeing Jess in a bikini that actually covered her ass this time

"Yea whatever" she rolls her eyes  and walks towards the stairs

"Ah, come here first" I say and she sighs and comes over to me and sits down

"What?" She asked

"You need sunscreen before you burn" I say and she goes to stand up but I hold her wrist and she sits down

"I don't need it" she sighs scooting away from me

"Jess Hunny unfortunately, you're like me with the sun. We burn way to easily" I smirk

"No I don't need it. I don't burn, and it's sticky and makes me oily " she fights

"It'll take me less than 2 minutes" I say and she sighs and let's me rub the lotion into her back and arms

"Good?" She ask and I nod

"Good" I chuckle and she stands up

"Are you coming in?" She asked and I looked to Callie who was already laying  in The sun  with her sunglasses on and I smile at her

"Let's go my love" I smile standing up And walking to the steps with her

"I'm sorry for being a baby about the sunscreen" she says and I laugh a little

"It's okay, I don't like it either but if I don't wear it then I'm burnt for a week". I chuckle and we walk into the water together and she climbs onto my back and wraps her legs around my waist and her arms over my shoulders

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I ask her

"Yea, I really am" she says and slides off my back to stand in front of me and I take this opportunity to splash her with water and backed away before she could splash me back

"Arizona!" She exclaims and comes over and splashes me back

We spent some splashing each other and just floating around, Callie eventually joined us.

After spending a few hours outside and in the water we decided on heading inside so we could all shower

Once we were showed and in some comfortable clothes we all sat on the large couch in the living room

I sat on the edge with my legs out on the chase and Jess sat next to me with her head on my chest and I ran my fingers through her hair and Callie was on the other side of the couch

"Are you tired?" I ask Jess

"Yea, I think the sun and the water made me tired" she says and I nod

"I think so sweetheart" I reply

"Why don't you take a nap? I might take one too" I tell her and she nods against my chest and I throw a small blanket over us both

"I'm glad you're having fun" I whisper

"Me too,, thank you" she yawns

"I love you Jess" I smile and kiss the top of her head

"I love you too mom"

Till next time ❤️

Sorry it's just a small filler chapter

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