Chapter 25

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Arizona's POV

Today is Monday and is Jess' first day back at school, she wasn't too happy about it but we went And got her supplies over the weekend, 

She also went to Avas, she was excited to go and see her and was all smiles when she got back in the car,  

I told her we had to leave the house at 7:30 since her class starts at 8:10,

I set my alarm for 6 so I could get up and get ready for work, I laid in bed for 15 minutes before getting up to shower,  after I was finished and got dressed I walked out to the kitchen to make us a small breakfast, i decided on waffles since it was a favorite of the both of us

I poured the batter into the waffle maker and let them cook while I got some toppings out,

Once they were done I went to make sure Jess was awake so I walked back to her room and knocked on the door before opening it,

She was standing next to her bed brushing her hair while her bag was next to the door

"You look good" I smile at her outfit

"Thank you" she blushes and follows me out of her room

" I made breakfast" I announced

"Ouu yay" she says and we both sit down at the table

"You nervous?" I ask and she nods

I would be too, she has been out of school for months and who knows what all the kids think what happend, of course they know it was a train, it was all over the news but wether they know why, we don't know. I just hope today goes well for her

"Yea, I mean Ava was really my only friend but I'll be fine" she says

"Anything at all and call me, if you get overwhelmed or anything call me and I will be there" I tell her and she nods

"I really appreciate that" she smiles and look at the time

"We better be going if we are going to get you there on time" I tell her and she sighs and gets up going to her room and getting her bag,

"Let's do this"

Callies POV

I messed up big time, I told Arizona I loved her. On accident of course. I mean I meant it but it's still too early to tell her that. And she hadn't even messaged me all weekend, I just hope I didn't ruin everything

At the hospital since I had a slow day I was casually walking the PEDS floor, on hopes the perky blonde would appear

When I didn't see her I decided on going back down to the pit, it's usually understaffed anyway with interns,

"Calliope!" I hear and look to see my dad walking toward me when open arms

"Daddy? What are you doing here?" I ask giving him his hug

"I came to see my girls and grand baby" he says and I smile

"I would also like to meet the man you are seeing" he says and I sigh

"Yea well I- I'm going to have to see if he is free" I say nervously scratching the back of my neck

I looked over away from my father and instantly smiled when I seen Arizona, 

"Um, I need to go but I'll be back" I say

"Do your thing calliope" he says and I walk over to Arizona

"You have time to talk?" I ask her and she nods so I lead us into a supply closet

"We could have went to an office" she chuckles

"Yea, let's do that" I say and she rolls her eyes as the two of us take an elevator to the PEDS floor and we walk down the hall until we reach her office

"I freaked you out didn't I?" I ask, shutting the door behind me

"What? No, why would I be freaked out" she ask sitting on her desk

"Arizona," I say and she looks up at me

"It just- took me by surprise I wasn't expecting it is all then you ran out of the apartment" she explains and I sigh

"No it's okay, you're right, it slipped out. Not that I didn't mean it. I did. Arizona I love you, I know it's early and I know you may not feel the same way but I do" I tell her, getting it off my chest

"Calliope- I- I lo-" she starts and I press a quick kiss against her lips to keep her from speaking

"Don't, I don't want you to say it because I did  and you feel you have to say it back. Just sit on it" I say and she smiles

"Also my dad wants to meet you" I say quickly

"Callie! I'm not ready to meet your father" she says as we were walking down the hallway

"Please?" I ask

"He is going to hate me from what you told me" she says and I sigh

"I know, and he's not going to like it but I need to telll him and get it off my conscious" i says to her

"Fine," she says and we walk Down to the waiting area where my father was sitting and she grabbed my hand and I smiled at her

"Calliope! There you are" my father says

"Can I meeet this man of yours that is making you all happy?" He ask and I feel Arizona squeeze my hand

"Yea- uh about that, Dad this is who I'm dating. I'm dating Arizona. And she makes me so happy," I explain and Arizona smiles up at me

"What is this nonsense Calliope? You- this is not okay" my father says

"I can't support this" he says and walks away leaving Arizona and I in the waiting room with a few people looking at us

"Hey, I got you" Arizona says and we walk away back to her office

"I'm sorry," she says and we sit down on the couch and she puts her hand on my back

"I'm fine. Really. I knew he wouldn't  accept it. But I have you. And Jess. And Aria and Mateo" I tell her and she smiles and kisses me

"And you'll always have me" she says and cups my face in her hands

"And Calliope, I love you too"

Till next time❤️

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