Chapter 79

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Arizona's POV

6 years later

Nick is now 7, he is spunky and so confident, he definitely takes after Callie. After we had Nick we decided that we weren't going to try again. Callie was done. Yes I could have carried if it was something we both wanted to try but after holding Nick we didn't want to go through with the pain of possibly losing another pregnancy and we were happy with the two kids we had

Amara and Jess ended up moving into an apartment not too far from us, really. It's a 3 minute drive.

Jess decided she wanted to go to school to become a therapist, she works with teens who have similar stories to hers, ones whose parents didn't support their coming out, while that is her main focus she also works with teens who just need additional guidance. She is still in school while working trying to get higher degrees

Amara however became a nurse and works at Seattle grace, both of them moved in together when they were 19, they got engaged a year later and married at 21.

Both, Callie and I walked her down the isle that day, I am so proud of the person she is becoming. From the teenager who had a plan to jump in front of a train with her girlfriend to the woman who is now happy, married and about to be a mother

That's right. Jess is currently 38 weeks pregnant. Her and Amara did the same thing we did when it came to fertility, however with Jess being younger and healthy their insemination worked the first time.

Even with her out of the house she still makes time for her brother. Nick and Jess always had the best relationship. When she moved out he stayed at least once a week with them up until he started school then it became Friday nights

Even while being pregnant they always spent Friday together until recently, Jess had been more tired and in pain so we had to cancel their night last week. While Nick was upset he understood why and is happy that it means he will be an uncle soon

Jess and Amara also decided that they didn't want to know  if their baby is a girl or boy, Which for me sucks because I want to know what to buy so I can spoil the baby.

Noah is also pretty excited, he went over to their house to help them set up furniture in the nursery.

Amara is still working and Jess had taken a step back, only seeing emergency cases until she has the baby since it is a lot on her

It's Wednesday now and I am home with Nick while Callie is finishing up at work

"Nick!" I call out to him, after he was born we moved into a house a few months later where we have been ever since,

"What?" He yells back from his bedroom

"Come down here please" I say and I could hear him groan about having to cut his game off but he still comes down

"What?" He ask from the stairs

"You need to wash up and set the table for dinner" I tell him and he walks over to me and washes his hands and moves the plates from the counter to the table,

"Can i go now?" He ask

"No, momma will be home soon and Jess and Amara are coming Over " I say and he smiles, i swear any mention of his sister and he is happy

"When is she coming?" He ask and I chuckle

"Well if that's her car in the driveway then now" I smile and he goes to open the door

"Jess!" He exclaims

"Nick!" She says back and they come in

"Where's Callie?" She ask me

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