Chapter 62

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Arizona's POV

Vacation was a success, we have been back home for a week now and finally getting back into the routine of going to work and getting up at odd hours,

The three of us really enjoyed ourselves, Jess ultimately did go with the new people she met the last night we were there and came back with a huge smile telling us how much fun she had

Callie and I also started wedding planning. We are doing it in Seattle, so that way all of our friends and family could be there. Which is actually as far as we got....

I work 7am to 8pm today and Callie doesn't have a set time, only when ever she finishes her one surgery

Jess' POV

Ah, we got back from vacation last week and this week has been tough adjusting back to school but I am very happy to see Amara and Alex again,

Amara walked to my house this morning and we walked hand in hand to school.

When we first started dating she was very shy about who seen us but now she doesn't care what other people think

"Jess!" I hear behind me as we finally reached the school

"Alex" I chuckle as he was running towards me

"Skip school with me" he says

"What?" I question

"Let's go shopping , itll be fine" he says and I sigh

" I don't know Alex.." I say,

"Please? For me?" He says again.

"You want to come?" I ask Amara and she laughs

"Oh no, I'm trying to stay far away from my moms flip flop this week" she chuckles

"Arizona might actually kick my ass when she finds out" I say

"Oh she will, but you'll have fun and we don't have classes together today" Amara tells me and I nod and give her a kiss

"I love you" I tell her and she smiles

"I love you more" she says as the bell rang, she gave me one last kiss and walked inside the school

"So genius, how are we getting to the mall?" I ask

"My friend is taking us, he has to work so he will be dropping us off. Come on" he says and I chuckle and shake my head but follow him to the random car and got inside with him in the backseat

Oh Arizona is so going to kill me

"So what happens when our moms find out we are skipping?" I ask him after Marcus, Alex' friend dropped us off

"My mom won't care, she is probably high right now anyway" he says and I frown

"But your mom.... Might call out a search party" he says making me laugh a little

"Well let's not worry about that right now and let's go shopping! I want pretzels first" I say and lead Alex to the pretzels

Arizona's POV

I have been at work for 3 hours now and I am in the middle of a surgery. Not a difficult one, and it should only have half an hour left when my phone decided to ring

"It says Jess' School" one of the scrub nurses tell me and I sigh,

"Just let it go" I say. If it's bad they will call again or call Callie and Jess would have called since she won't call out of the blue while I'm at work, she usually will text to make sure I'm not in a surgery

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