Chapter 4

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Arizona's POV

Since I didn't have anything to do today I decided to just head home and take a shower to wash off what I did last night. Again.

I drove home thinking of Callie. She didn't even seem to be straight last night or did I just push myself on her too much? I mean was this my fault. What if I made the first move and she felt obligated to go home with me. But she asked me to leave?

When I got home I fumbled with the key, my mind was too occupied. I walked inside threw my keys on the counter and dropped my bag at the door. I still had on the hospital scrubs so I took them off and put them is the washer to wash later, after I discarded all my clothes I turned the shower on as hot as I could get it and stepped in

The scalding water burning my skin with each second, turning my skin a bright red. I stayed like for a little before actually taking my shower

As I stepped out of the shower I wrapped myself in a grey towel. I hadn't yet gotten the chance to decorate but I assume I'll just have it the same as Boston, it was light pink flowers with grey and white included,

I put my hair in another towel and walked out to my bedroom to sit on the bed. I scrolled through my phone and seen that April had messaged me asking where I had gone

April: Where are you? Wanted to see if you wanted to get drinks later? Jackson is working tonight

Arizona: Yea sorry I just went ahead and came home, but yea drinks sound amazing. What time?

April:  Aww I hope your first day was good, and I get off at 8 so meet at Joes at 9?

Arizona: Sorry, Joes?

April:  Right sorry! Emerald City Bar.

Arizona: Perfect ! See you then

It felt nice to already make a friend and take my mind off of Callie, she was so beautiful though and I couldn't stop thinking of her.

Lost in my own world I almost didn't notice the knock at the door. Which was odd seeing no one knew where I lived,

I took off my towel and threw on a robe instead as the knocking just increased

"I'm coming" I yell and walk out making sure to cover myself with the robe and I opens the door to see Callie standing there in her Navy blue scrubs

"What are you doing here?" I ask her bluntly

"Can I come in?" She ask and I step away from the door letting her in and close ir behind her

"Again- what are you doing here?" I ask

"I need to explain myself" she says and I scoff

"You're in a relationship Callie. You're in a relationship and you still went home with me. I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had too and if I did I take full responsibility and I'm sorry" I say sincerely at the end

"It's more than a relationship, George is my husband" she says

"Even better" I reply

"And no. It's not your fault. I wanted to come home with you, I mean Arizona that was the best night I have had since I got married. I wasn't planning on going out and going home with someone at the bar let alone a women but when I seen you, everything changed, I felt butterfly's in my stomach and knew I needed to talk to you" she says, I mean what do I even say to that?

"I- I don't know what to say" I sigh

"I don't want anything to do with this anymore, if you weren't in a relationship maybe but not now calliope. Im sorry" I tell her. Maybe if things were different.

"Are you going to tell your husband?" I ask her

"I don't know," she says and I nod, I mean I don't blame her

"What if I want to see you again?" She ask and i shake my head

"I don't think that's a good idea, apart from a professional relationships" I explain

"I understand" she sighs and I nod

"Goodbye calliope" I say and she smiles and leaves

Callies POV

Am I bad for wanting a relationship with her? Even though I'm already in one....

I don't know if I need to tell George or not, I mean it only happened once and won't ever again.

I still was supposed to be at the hospital so I had to go back

As soon as I walked in I was pulled to the side by mark

"Hey! What the hell" I exclaim when he pulls me into the supply closet

"What's the matter with you? You never leave the hospital while on the clock," he says and I sigh, he's my best friend and sure does know me pretty well even if I hate it sometimes

"I just needed to clear my head" I explain

"What's that mean?" He ask

"Mark dont" I sigh And he doesn't say anything but stares at me

"I should go" I say and leave him in the supply closet as I head back into the ER to help April since I had the Time

"Hey Callie" she smiles

"Hey, need any help?" I ask

"Oh that would be great, can you check out bay 3 and 7?" She ask me

"I'll get right to it" I smile and go to access the patients. Neither of them ending up needing ortho so I paged the respective specialties

The day after that went relatively slow, no major emergencies and just a few walk- ins

As I was getting ready to leave mark stopped me once again

"Wanna get drinks?" He ask,

"Yea let's go" I say and we both drive over to Joes

Arizona's POV

I just left my apartment and stood outside of Emerald City Bar or Joes as they call it,

I got here a bit earlier than April had originally said so I went inside to order a drink and wait for her to get here

"Look who's back" Joe the bartender smiles

"Yea, long day at a new job" i chuckles as he hands me my drink

"Seattle not all bad once you get over the bad job" he says and I nod

"Yea let's hope so" I say and turn around to see Callie walk in with mark.

I have really got to stop coming here

As I was looking over her she caught me starting and started to blush and smiled. I don't get it. She's married but still flirting with me

"Hey blondie" Mark says and I roll my eyes turning to him

"Hello Man whore" I chuckle

"I'm going to get Kepner for that" he says

"Get kepner for what?" April ask coming in and sitting down next to me at the bar

"Telling blondie that I was a man whore" he frowns and she smiles

"Sorry" she chuckles and they walk away leaving us, I noticed Callie looking back every chance she got

"How was your first day?" April ask me

"Very much full of surprises"

Till next time ❤️

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