Chapter 45

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Arizona's POV

The next morning I woke up with the sun shining into the window since the curtain was open, realizing I couldn't roll over since Jess had her head on my chest. I kissed her head and ran my hand up and down her arm

All I want is for her to feel better, I didn't even think about the anniversary of the accident and everything helping with her parents coming up, and how that would effect her

She's been the best kid, and I didn't register how she never talked about her past or the incident and I should have looked more into that,

I stayed rubbing her arm until she started to wake up, she rolled off of me onto her back and opened her eyes looking at the ceiling

"I'm sorry for last night" she Sighs

"I don't know what came over me" she says and nervously starts pulling at her fingers

I pulled her into me and laid her head back onto my chest and she didn't stop me

"You don't get to apologize for last night, you did absolutely nothing wrong. I'm so sorry you have been feeling like this and felt as if you couldn't come to me." I say, moving here hair out of her face

"You have done so much for me, it's not fair to you for me to be upset about it." She whispers

"No, no, Jess, I understand, and it's okay. A lot has happened in the past year, everything with your parents, the accident, the adoption, Callie moving in and to top it all off we moved to a completely different continent" I tell her

"It's okay Zona, I love you. And thank you so much for adopting me. You act more like my mom than mine did after she found out" she tells me

" I love you, and I told you I'll be here forever" I say, and kiss her head again

"You want to get up and go get breakfast?" I ask

"I just want to lay here for a while" she says and hides her face on my chest

"Okay" I chuckle and hold her close to me,

She relaxed fully into me and not long after Callie came into the room

"Hi" Jess says softly to her

"You girls look comfy" she smiles

"I was thinking we could go out for brunch" I suggest

"I'm not really hungry" Jess says

"You haven't ate in a while, I want you to at least try" I say, tracing circles on her arm

"Even if it's just a little" I say and she sigh, I tapped her arm lightly so she knew to sit up, we both got up to get ready

I left her in her room while Callie and I went back to ours

"Is she okay?" Callie asked, going into the closet to get her clothes and came back out

"I think so, I think she has a lot on her mind and hasn't talked to anyone about it" I sigh, taking my top off and putting on a bra

"She talked to you last night didn't she?" Callie asked, pulling  her shirt over her head

"I mean... I walked in and she was crying. I don't think  she had much of a choice, but yea a little. " I sigh, not wanting to tell Callie exactly what we talked about, I know Jess is comfortable with her but some things are meant to be kept confidential until I have her permission to share them

"She'll be okay, she trust you, and now she knows that you know something is up" Callie says, coming to me and wrapping her arms around me

"I didn't realize how close her birthday and accident were to each other" I say, letting myself melt into her

"You're doing amazing Zona, I don't want you to think you're not" she tells me

"I love you calliope" I smile and she kissed my cheek

"I love you" she replies and we pull away from each other so we could finish getting dressed

Once we were ready I stopped in Jess room to make sure she was ready, she was wearing black jeans, a purple top that showed the very bottom of her stomach and a pair of vans

"You look very pretty" I smile as she was putting her hair in a bun

"Thank you" she blushes and comes over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and laying her head on my chest

"And I'm so proud of you" I whisper

"Thank you" she smiles and pulls away, I put my hands on her head and kissed her forehead

We walked out of her room and out to Callie who was putting her shoes on

"I love that outfit" Callie compliments

Once we got to the diner I sat with Jess in a booth and Callie sat across from us

"I'm really not hungry" Jess whispers so only I heard her

"Something small then" I say and she sighs

"Hi what can I get for you guys" The waiter smiles coming over to our table

"Im going to get the ham and cheese omelet, and let's just do  avocado   toast for her" I say motioning to Jess knowing she wouldn't order and I know she likes it

"And I'll get the same" Callie smiles and we hand him out menus

"I want you to eat that" I say softly to Jess and she nods

"Thank you" she tells me and I smile

"You don't need to thank me" I tell her

"Are you excited to see Mateo?" I ask her and she lights up, I love seeing that look in her eyes

"I can't wait" she says excitedly

"Tonight  right?" She ask

"Yep, are you sure you're up for it?" Callie smiles

"Yes! You guys should totally have a baby and I'll take care of it" she says causing Callie and I to laugh

"You are full of ideas" I smile,

The waiter  brought out food out and Jess was just looking at hers

"Eat love" I say softly, but also a little firmly

She began cutting the toast in pieces and taking small bites

"Thank you" I say

Callie and I got into conversation, letting Jess eat,  I was planning on staying a little later at the hospital while Callie is with Aria, meaning that Jess would be with Mateo alone,  we are all pretty confident in her and she is almost 16, plies it's not her first time watching him

Jess managed to eat all of her toast and didn't complain about it, I think it was just where she hadn't ate that she didn't feel hungry, but once she did eat her body is going to tell her when she gets hungry now

"Are we ready to go?" I ask and everyone nods, I paid for our food and left a tip and the 3 of went out to the car so we could head home

Till next time❤️

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