Chapter 37

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Arizona's POV

After I got on Jess about having her music loud and walking in on her and Amara they stayed quiet until Ada showed up around 3:30 to pick her up

"Amara, your moms here" I yell back the hallway and the two girls come out

"Bye," she says and walks out and Ada follows after we talk a little, I didn't tell her about what I saw earlier as it wasn't my responsibility to tell her

After she left Jess went back to her room

"I'll be back" I say to call and put my hand on her leg before following Jess back to her room

The door was open so I walked in and sat on her bed

"Are you mad?" She ask after a few minutes

"No, I'm not" I say honestly and she nods

"We didn't plan for that to happen" she says and I nod encouraging her to continue

"It just did. We were talking and then kissing and you walked in" she says and I nod

"I'm not mad." I say, noticing how she was a little hesitant the first time I said it

"I just want you to be careful, you three have a beautiful friendship and I don't want you to get hurt if something goes wrong" I tell her And she nods

"I don't think she is into girls, I think it was just spur of the moment and out of no where" she says and I smile

"I'm sure it wasn't just spur of the moment" I say

"When did you first kiss Callie?" She ask,

"Um, well that's a little more complicated" I say nervously

"Why?" She ask and I sigh

"I met Callie in a bar she came home with me that night" I say and she starts laughing

"That's great, that is amazing" she laughs and I laugh along side her

"Who knew I would be in a happy relationship with her after all this time?" I smile

"So... you kissed her on a whim.. well did a little more on a whim" I push her and she laughs

"We're adults. We can do those things" I smile

"Just- be careful." I say

"I will, and  I was wondering I can go to a party tomorrow" she ask and I raise my eyebrows

"What party?" I ask

"Someone Amara and Noah knows" she says

"Where at?" I ask

"They said near the school" she says and I nod

"As long as you're back by 11 I'm okay with that" I tell her and she smiles

"Thank you!" She says and I chuckle

"You're welcome," I smile and go back to Callie

"She okay?" She ask and I nod

"She's okay" I tell her and she smiles

Callie and I watched some random tv for a few hours before deciding on getting up to start dinner

Callie was excited to make chicken parmigiana so that's exactly what we did,

She is a natural in a the kitchen, I mainly stayed back with my wine and watched her as she cooked

Once it was done Jess came out and sat next to me

"Thank you for dinner" she says to Callie after we all got situated

"Oh you're welcome" Callie replies

"So are you excited for school?" Callie ask and Jess groans, she starts school here in 3 weeks

"No, it's going to be hard" she says

"It will not" I tell her

"I don't know anyone" she says

"But... I guess besides that it will be okay. We'll see" she says and I smile slightly, she's trying and that's what counts

"Well you'll know Amara and Noah" I say

"Yea I guess" she says and we continue eating dinner

"You know what?" Jess ask causing Callie and I to both look in her direction

"Hm?" I hum in response

"I can drink legally in 3 years here, I would have to wait 6 years back in the states" she says and Callie and I laugh

"You don't need to be drinking for a very long time" Callie says and I nod in agreement

"Buzzkills" she mumbles playfully

After dinner Jess washed the dishes and I went to take a shower quick, standing under the hot water letting it run all over me.

This is the life. I have a daughter. The most amazing girlfriend, I can't wait for our future together. Both of us getting old while Jess brings us grandchildren,

I didn't realize how long I was in the shower until the water started running cool so I finished up and got out, dressing in my own clothes and walked out of the bedroom with my hair wrapped in a towel

Callie and Jess were on the couch laughing and dropped when I walked out

"What are you two talking about?" I ask

"Callie was telling me about the time you found a spider in your shoe" she laughs and I glare at Callie

"It was a huge spider!" I defend myself

"So you needed new shoes?" She chuckles and I nod

"Yes I did, the other ones went in the dumpster" I say and they just laugh

"Don't you think it was a little over reacting?" Callie ask and I shook my head

"Absolutely not" I say. I'm not taking my chances with any spider babies

"Callie" Jess says and smirks at me

"What's Arizona's choice of songs? When she is alone" she ask and I shake my head and put my hand in front of my face,

"Anything easy going" I say and Callie laughs

"Don't let her lie to you. She will blast some Nickel Back" Callie says and I throw a pillow at her

"I hate the both of you" I say and they shake their head

"No you don't!" Callie calls after me when I walk back the hallway

Callies POV

I really enjoyed this, talking with Jess. She adored Arizona just as Arizona does her,

I loved telling stories of her too

"You should marry her" Jess says when Arizona walks away

"I will" I smile, I will one day

"I can't wait, you have to do it soon" she says and I chuckle

"Slow down there" I smile

"I can't rush this" I say and she's nods

"That's true I guess" she say

"You'll be the first to know I promise" I say and she smiles

"Good because I need to make sure I can go somewhere else that night, don't need to be hearing y'all through the walls anymore"

Till next time ❤️

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