Chapter 77

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Arizona's POV

1 month later

Callie and I both have the day off today as well as Jess from school. Jess and I also decided that we would give Callie the adoption papers today,

I had gotten them a few weeks ago but our schedules were so messed up that we really hadn't had the time to discuss it or anything.

While Callie is off today she didn't get home till after 2 this morning so while she is still sleeping me and Jess and I are going to pick up breakfast for the three of us

"You okay?" I ask Jess, seeing her walk out not looking too happy

"Yea.. I just miss Amara." She says and I frown and kiss her head

"I know you do... I do too," I say and she sighs and we walk out of the apartment

"When do I get to learn how to drive?" She ask and I smile

"Soon. I promise. Start studying and I will make you an appointment to go take the test to get your learners" I say and she smiles

Since she was too young in Malawi she never got that chance to get them

"Then I can drive?" She ask and I laugh

"Yes, then you can drive but trust me it's not that fun" I say

"That's because you're old" she says laughing

"Jessica Robbins! I am not old"  I say while frowning and she smiles

"I know... but it's fun to get a reaction out of you" she says and I smile, glad she is feeling better even if she did just call me old

"You're grounded" I say seriously and hold out my hand while focusing on the road and her mouth drops

"You're joking right?" She says looking at me

"Yea.... It was fun getting a reaction out of you" I smirk and she placed a hand over her chest

"But call me old again and we will have problems" I say and she smiles

"Yes ma'am, never again" she says and I laugh and shake my head while continuing to drive to pick up breakfast


we arrived back at home less than an hour later with breakfast and Callie has just woken up and was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee

"Hey, you're awake" I smile and give her a quick kiss before setting breakfast down on the table and she gets up and comes over to the table so we could all eat

After we ate Jess and i agreed it would be a good time to give Callie the adoption papers so she went back to her room to get them. She had wanted to keep them since I got them incase callie found out and she wanted it to be surprise

Callie and I both sat down on the couch and Jess came and stood nervously in the hall way,

I smiled and gave her nod knowing she needed s little bit of encouragement

"Callie?" Jess says and Callie looks up at her

"I have something for you" she says and hands the Manila envelope to her

She looked at me confused but still took it and opened it and I smiled at Jess as she waited nervously for Callie to open and read the documents inside

"You want me to adopt you?" Callie ask and Jess nods

"Unless you don't want to, then I understand" Jess adds quickly

"Are you kidding? Of course I want too" Callie says and opens her arms and Jess quickly allows Callie to wrap her arms around her

"I need a pen" Callie chuckles and wipes her eyes and I get up to get her one and she sighs the papers and puts them back in the envelope before handing it to me

"I'll have these sent out tomorrow" I say and set them on the counter

"I love you" Callie tells Jess

"I love you too!" She smiles

A few hours later Callie and I were cuddled on the couch with my feet in her lap when someone knocked on the door

"I got it" Jess says and gets off the couch to open the door

"Oh my god"

1 'month ago

"It's Ada" Callie says and hands me the phone

"Hey" I say into the phone

"Hey, sorry it late, I just wanted to ask. What positions did you say are open at your hospital?" She ask me

Present Time

Jess' POV

"Oh my god! You're here! are you real?" I exclaim and wrap my arms around my girlfriend who is supposed to be 10,000 miles away

"What are you doing here? Oh my god" I say not letting go and by this time mom and Callie we're inviting everyone in

"It's nice to see you to Jess" I heard Noah say and I looked up and quickly gave him a hug

"But.. I don't get it. Why are you all here?" I ask and go back over to Amara who wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on m shoulder

They were all here, Noah, Amara and their parents

"Well. We're here to pick up the keys" Ada says and I look at her confused

"What keys?" I ask and Callie drops a pair of keys in their hand

"Those are your apartment keys?" I question, looking at Callie

"Not anymore" she smiles

"You're moving!? You are living in Seattle now?" I ask and Amara chuckles and nods

"How long have you known? Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, I was so happy right now

"I was on strict orders not to tell you... but we didn't find out until a week ago we were moving to Seattle, me and Noah just thought we were moving apartments" she says and I turn around to kiss her and her dad clears his throat and we pull apart blushing

"Can you stay? Can she stay?" I ask

"That's okay with me but I assume they have to go unpack a little?" Mom says

"Yea.....we have to go and unpack but then I can drop her back off?" Ada says and mom nods

"That works and we can have dinner ready if you guys just want to stay" she says and I hold on to Amara

"I love you... I'll see you soon" she says and kisses my head making me blush since all of our parents were there

"I love you too" I smile and she leaves

This is it. This is what was meant to happen all along, I'm happy. I have the best parents in the world and the best girlfriend and I can not wait to grow old with her

Till next time❤️

Guysss, what happens next is up to you. I can end it here or add one more chapter a few years down the line?

Let me know!

Also thank you all for your support on this story, I had lost hopes for this but all of your feedback and love made it possible for us to reach 77 chapters!

Happy New Years🎊❤️

Also! I will have the first few chapters of a new Calzona story posted Monday, be sure to follow me so you don't miss an update

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