Chapter 27

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Arizona's POV

I messed up, well kind of anyway. Not really. I don't know. It all depends on how people take it. Because really it's good, but it might cause problems. Them I'm doomed.

Today was Jess' last day of school, she was able to get caught up and will be good to go next year for school

When her and Ava first broke up she stayed in her room and barely ate, it was about a week later she actually was able to hold a conversation with Callie.

Now as the time as passed she seems to be doing alright. She is laughing and likes to hang with me at the hospital when I have light days. Or even my longer days she will sit in my office after school.

And I hope that doesn't change when I need to tell her about my news. I need her to be happy and open minded. Same with Callie

Callie and I are both at the hospital and I just got the email not too long ago.. I decided on talking to Jess first. Callie and I both get off at 2:30 after being here all day, and she is going to arias and I will go get Jess and head back to the apartment so we could talk.

I also planned on taking her out tonight since it was the last day off school,

"Hi love" I smile coming up behind Callie

"Hi" she exclaims and gives me a kiss

"Having fun?" She ask and I nod

"You okay?" She ask and I nod

"Yes." I smile

"You sure?" She says

"I'm sure, I love you but I got to go" I chuckle at my pager going off

"I love you" she says and I run off and back to the PEDS floor to respond to my page

I just scrubbed out of an emergency surgery and I was heading home to change, I needed a shower now after getting someone else's bodily fluids on me.

After I showered it will be time for me to pick up Jess anyway

I got home and threw my clothes in the wash and walked to the shower

Like I predicted when I got out of the shower it was time for me to leave to get Jess,

"How was the last day of school?" I ask her

"Fine, believe it or not I'm excited to get a fresh start next year" she says and I smile. Since her current school was not in the district of the apartment

"So, I have some news" I tell her, pulling into the apartment parking

"You're pregnant?" She ask

"What?" I ask alarmed

"Usually when people say they have news they are pregnant" she counters

"Yes but you know I'm with Callie" I tell her as we walk into the Building

"I don't know I was just saying" she chuckles and I shake my head

"So is it good news or bad?" She ask when we walk into the apartment and I sit on the couch and she sits on the other end

"It depends" I say

"So a couple of months ago I applied for this grant, and the grant is where I go to Malawi for a while and work at the hospital there" I begin saying

"So I have 48 hours to let them know what I decide on doing. Going to Malawi or passing up this very unique opportunity" I tell her

"So we have to move?" She ask me

"Can I even go with you? Since I'm only being fostered" she ask

"We'll if I take the grant then yes we will move to Africa. And yes you will be able to come." I tell her. I looked all the legal things up before I even applied

"Why didn't you tell me" she says and I sigh

"We'll honestly I didn't think I would get it. A bunch of people apply and one gets it so it was a long shot" I explain

"What do you think?" I ask

"I think, maybe we should to do it." She says and I smile

"But when Would he have to go?" She ask

"2 weeks" I sigh

"What about your job now? And Callie?" She ask

"We'll my job should be here when I get back, the Grant last a year, unless I want to stay then it continues for 2 more years." I say and sigh thinking of Callie

"And as for Callie, I plan on talking to her later. But I hope she wants to come with us" I say and she smiles

"You really love her" she says and I nod

"I really do, I just hope she loves me enough to get through this" I explain

"Me too! So should we get packing?" She ask

"Probably, but not tonight. We're going out tonight for the last day of school and we can start packing tomorrow" I explain

"Wait- what about the apartment. Are you selling it?" She ask

"No, I'm going to keep it. It'll just stay empty until we get back" I say and she nods

"I'm really excited for this" she smiles

"Me too" I tell her

"Jess! We have to go" I tell her, we had reservations for dinner. Callie was going to come but Mateo is sick so she was staying to let Aria get some rest and she will come over tonight and that is when I plan on talking to her

"I'm coming" she yells back and we were able to leave and make the reservations

Dinner was amazing, for dessert we ordered a huge ice cream sundae on a cookie, we talked a lot about Africa and what was going to happen we went, I am glad she is happy to go

After dinner we went back to the apartment and got ready for bed.

It's was almost 10pm when Callie got there and Jess was lying in her room to give us some privacy

"Hey" Callie smiles and gives me a kiss and sits down next to me and I give her a glass of wine and I take one myself

"Hi" I smile

"You wanted to talk?" She ask and I take a drink of my wine and nod

"Yea, so I already spoke to Jess about it but I need you to keep an open mind"'I say and she puts her glass down

"Okay" she says motioning for me to continue

"I got the grant for me to work in Africa, I leave in 2 weeks" I say and she sits up straight


Till next time ❤️

Uh oh

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