Chapter 48

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Callies POV

Arizona's parents are amazing, you can really tell how much they love their daughter. Jess had really relaxed more too,

"So we decided I was going to cook dinner for us, is that okay with you?" I ask

"Oh you don't have to do that" Arizona's mom tells me

"I want to" I smile and get up. I walked to the kitchen and Arizona followed and wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and laid her head on my back

"You sure you don't just want to go out?" She ask me and I turn around

"I'm sure, your parents have been traveling all day and I'm sure they would like to relax" I smile and give her a kiss

"Can I at least help?" She ask and I raise and eyebrow, she doesn't exactly have the best track record in the kitchen.

"Zona" I chuckle

"If you love me you'll let me help" she says defensively

"That's not fair" I frown

"I guess that settles it, you. Don't. Love. Me" she says and I sigh and pull her into me

"Fine you can help" I smile and she jumps excitedly

"Alright Chef Torres! What's first?"

Arizona and I were actually able to make dinner without  brining the house down,  I actually enjoyed the time with Arizona, working in the kitchen together and now we are all sitting down at the kitchen table, I was next to Arizona while Jess and her mother were across from us and her had was at the head of the tAble

"This looks amazing Callie, thank you" Barbara says

"Hey! I helped" Arizona protest causing us all to laugh

" and you did a very good job" I smile and give her a quick kiss and she smiles instantly

"I love you" she says softly and I grab her hand under the table

"Thank you Barbara, it is really just something simple" I smile

""We'll if you let zona help and the house is still standing I say that is a job well done" Arizona's dad says

"Dad! I can cook" she says

"I mean she can make a really good grilled cheese" Jess offers

"Thank you" Arizona chuckles

"I remember when she was younger and tried to help me in the kitchen all the time. Tried to make a cake one day and ended up with more flour on her than anywhere else the poor dear" Barbara says and Arizona blushes

"I am not a kid anymore, I can cook" Arizona says and I kiss her cheek

"Of course you can baby" I smile

After dinner we opened up a bottle of wine and sat in the living room, Arizona's dad had a beer instead and was in the recliner as Arizona laid into me and Jess was with her mom

"Mom! No" Arizona says and I look over at her mom and she was going to let Jess try the wine

"Zona it's one sip" she says

"She is 15, no" she chuckles,

"I'm almost 16" Jess says

"You got 5 more years babe" she smirks

"She's a party pooper"  Barbara says

"Dad tell them I'm right" Arizona says and her father doesn't answer

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