Chapter 49

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Arizona's POV

Today has been perfect, my surgery went amazing and both babies and mom are doing great and will be able to go through with her scheduled Cesarean section when the time comes

Callie also alerted me that lunch with my parents was good and they didn't scare her off. My dad likes to act like a hard ass but he is soft for his daughter. I knew they would love Callie.

It's getting late as it's almost dinner time now and I am about to leave the hospital to go home, tomorrow is our sexaversary and Jess is going to be spending the night at arias,

The day after we head back home to Africa, I don't want to leave, my home, my friends, family,

But I have friends in Africa, a really good job where I'm doing meaningful work.

Then I have Jess. Is it really fair to tear her away from her girlfriend and friends? Her school? She had been through so much and I can't keep putting her through obstacles, her birthday is next week too,

16, I'm going to have a 16 year old, makes me feel really old.

She made me grow up, grow up from the woman who used to go home with random women at bars,

Now I worry about my daughter being safe while she is out and making sure she is home by curfew

I absolutely love my little family, my daughter, my insanely hot girlfriend. It's truly all I need

I changed out of my scrubs and back into my clothes and was getting all of my things so I could leave and head home to my girls

Walking into the apartment Callie had been in the kitchen and I was assuming Jess was in her bedroom

"Hey how was work?" Callie asked me and I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist

"You're in a good mood" she chuckles and gives me a kiss

"The surgery could not have been better: both mom and babies will be fine" I smile

"That's great news" Callie tells me and gives me another kiss before turning back to the stove quick

"So how was your day?" I ask her

"Pretty good, lunch with your parents wasn't as scary as I  thought  it would be" she smirks and I laugh

"But it was nice, after lunch Jess and I stopped and walked through the mall and then we can home" she says and I smile

"I'm glad you two had a good day, I'm going to go check on her quick" I say, giving Callie one more kiss and walking down the hall to Jess room

I knocked on her door that was already open before I walked in, and went to sit on the bed next to her and she leaned her head against my shoulder

"Tough day?" I ask, from what Callie says it sounds like they had a good day out together

"No I just missed you" she says and I turn to kiss the top of her head and wrap my arms around her

"I know I've been super busy since we have been here" I say

"It's okay, you're saving a life, well 3 lives" she smiles

"How about when we get back to Malawi you and I spend the day together, doing whatever you want" I offer, I have realized I hadn't been spending much time with her lately,

I'm always working or she is in school then now I'm at the hospital and we leave in a few days and she is supposed to stay with Aria tomorrow so Callie and I could go out

"You don't have to do that" she says, still laying against me

"I do and I want too, it's been a while and I'm sorry about that" I say and kiss her head once more

"Mother daughter day?" She ask and I smile

"Mother daughter day" I confirm


Callies POV

Tonight is our sexiversry and we are taking Jess to Arias soon.

We also leave tomorrow, last night the three of us ate dinner at the apartment and watched a movie before going to bed

I decided on waiting till we get back in Africa to propose. I don't want to do it tonight seeing as it already has a special meaning

But with that being said it will be soon, very soon if I can

"Jess! Are you ready?" Arizona yells through the apartment

"Yea, just let me grab my charger" Jess says and Arizona finishes her makeup in the bathroom while I was ready and in the living room

"Okay I got everything- whoa- you look hot" Jess says coming out with her bag

"Thank you" I chuckle and Arizona comes out not long after

"The poor neighbors" jess laughs

We just dropped Jess off with Aria and are now on the way to the restaurant

Once we got seated we got our wine while we waited on our food to be done

"You know we could have just done a reenactment of what happened a year ago" Arizona chuckles

"We still can" I smile

"As long as I get you naked, and moaning my name tonight I don't care what we do" she says seductively causing me to choke on the wine I had sipped on

"You're being bold in public" I say, my face still red as she smirks

"Am I?" She ask innocently and the waitress comes out interrupting us

After dinner we did as planned and went straight to the bar, we weren't wearing dresses just nice dress tops and jeans

"What can I get you ladies?" Joe the bartender ask

"I want a vodka martini". Arizona says

"Gin and tonic" I order for myself

"We can't get too drunk" I say when we get our drinks

"Why?" She ask

"Because I want you to remember the way I'm going to make you feel" I smirk and she shakes her head

"Callie!" She laughs and finishes off her drink and orders another

"Okay, just tipsy then" she smiles and I shake my head and do the same

We stayed in the bar for a while and had a total of 3 drinks and 2 shots, we couldn't leave until we sobered up a little anyway

Once we did leave we went straight back to the apartment and no sooner than we were inside I pushed Arizona up against the door and she gasped

I tangled my hand in her hair and kissed her neck, biting down on the spot that I know makes her go crazy,

"Callie" she moans and I chuckle, well look how the rolls have reversed

I kept my lips against her and skillfully unbuttoned her blouse, letting it drop to the floor

Releasing her lips and focusing on her collar bone she throws her head back in pleasure as I began to palm her breast through the thin material of her bra

I quickly brought my hands around her back and unclasped her bra and pushed her back against the door and she arched her back when feeling the cold material,

I pinched down on one of her nipples and she took hold of me so she wouldn't fall, she has always had sensitive nipples

"The poor neighbors" I chuckle and lift her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I had my hands on her ass keeping her from falling as I took her back to our room

Till next time ❤️

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