Chapter 59

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Callies POV

We're finally here! Jess, Arizona and I just arrived at our destination and I am already in love with this place,

We are currently standing in front of the house type of thing we are staying in. It did take us what felt like a mile walk to get here though, we of course booked the place furthest down the pier,

"Well what are we waiting for?" I ask and Arizona smiles and unlocks the door and we walk inside

"Oh my god it's beautiful!" Jess exclaims and starts looking around

"Let's hurry up and get settled so we can get some time outside" Arizona says and Jess goes to her respective room and we go to ours and unpack our things

"Which one?" Arizona ask holding up a black and white striped one piece suit with holes in the side and a v neck cut and a blue bikini

"Hmm, that one" I smile and point to the once price, I absolutely love the way that one hugs her curves

"Okay" she giggles and puts it on

"Put this on" she says and throws me my red bikini, I have a few, red is more of my color. This suit in particular isn't something I would have to cover up in front of kids, it actually covers quite a bit

"Really?" I chuckle and she nods

I do as she says and out it on along with a black floral cover up and Arizona puts on her all black cover up

We walked out of our room and Jess was already standing in the kitchen, in a very revealing bikini

"Um, what are you wearing?" Arizona questions

"My bathing suit? Is it cute?" She ask and turns around

"Yea maybe when your not 16" Arizona says and Jess rolls her eyes

"I like it. And I like the way it fits" Jess counters

"Your whole ass the showing!, your 16 you don't need to be wearing that" Arizona argues

"Hey, I agree, it's too revealing for a 16 year old to wear" I say and she rolls her eyes, the top was fine, it tied around her neck and her back but the bottoms were almost complete thongs and very small as the straps came up above her hips

"But, we are on vacation. I think the suit it fine while it's only us. But as soon as we leave from our private area you cover up. Understand?" I ask and she nods

"Deal" she smiles and walks out back with her towel and a cover up and I turn to Arizona who had a frown on her face And I kiss it away

"I'm sorry if I over stepped. I just figured before you bit her head off for something like this we should enjoy the first day of vacation" I say and she shakes her head

"Callie, you aren't over stepping at all. You're another mother figure to her. And I know she knows that. You are able to let her do things and make decisions, you are able to discipline her when needed. I trust you and I know she does, so I don't want you worrying about that" she smiles and gives me a kiss

"And you're right... I just want to protect her and the world we live in is cruel" she explains and I nod

"I know, and you're being a mom. Moms worry. And it's okay" I say and lift her chin so she is looking at me

"Are you two coming or not!?" Jess yells and we kiss quick and follow her out

"I'm going to lay in the sun a little" I tell them and they both roll their eyes

"I seen that" I mumble and lay on the lounge chair

"Well I'm going In" Arizona smiles and takes off her cover and places it on the chair next to me

Arizona's POV

I can definitely tell we are going to enjoy ourselves here, even with a teenager who is trying to go out in public with barely any clothes

I climbed down the steps with Jess and into the water, the water was so blue and clear it's amazing.

I stand in my spot for a few minutes just admiring the view and Jess swimming until she came over to me

"I don't ever want to leave" Jess says and I chuckle

"You'd miss Amara and Alex" I chuckle and she smiles

"Yea... yea I would" she says and pulls me out further with her

"Thank you guys for this" she says standing behind me

"You're welcome, and I guess happy late birthday present" I say and we both laugh

"I love it, and I love how it lined up perfectly after everything with Beth yesterday" she sighs and i turn around to face her

"If I ever ask to talk to her again, don't let me" she chuckles and I nod

"You got it" I smile and kiss the top of her head, even though we both know I wouldn't deny her wanting to talk to Beth but I just have a feeling that's not going to be any time soon

"How about we go get Callie and go out for dinner?" I suggest and she nods,

We haven't been in the water for long but it was getting late

Once we got back on the deck I walked over to Callie and Leaned over her to give her a kiss and Jess went inside to change

"Arizona! Your making me wet!" She exclaims and backs away from me

"Oh but 3 nights ago you were all for me making you wet" I whisper so only she could hear and back away smirking while her face gets red

"Ah- no... baby you can't say things like that" she says and I chuckle

"And why is that?" I ask seductively

"You know why" she mumbles

"No? I don't think I do." I say and she shakes her head

"Arizonaaaa" she drags out and I give her a kiss and back away

"Okay I'm done teasing you..... for now" I say and walk back inside to our room so I could change

I took off my suit and hung it across the shower and slipped on some Jean shorts and put my bra on along with a flowy, tank top type of shirt and walked out as Callie was walking into change

I sat in the living room with Jess while we waited for Callie, she had on the same style I did

"We should rent bikes so we don't have to walk so far everyday" she suggest

"Yea I was thinking the same thing" I agree and Callie comes out dressed

"We ready?" She asked and we nodded and walked out of the house and started down the pier, Jess walked a little ahead of us on her phone while Callie and I had put fingers interlocked

"So I was, thinking, seeing as it was already late, we just eat dinner tonight and we can come and explore the rest of the island shops tomorrow?" I add

"I think that sounds good" she smiles and kisses the back of my hand

"I love you calliope, so so much, I just can't wait to marry you"

Till next time ❤️

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