Chapter 47

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Arizona's POV

I am so excited for my parents to come today, I can't believe how long it's been since I seen them and how much has happened

I also can't wait for them to meet Callie and Jess, of course they have seen each other on call but it's just not the same

Unfortunately even with them being here I still had a job to do, they weren't due to arrive until 3,

Today should be an easy day at the hospital anyway, all we are doing in making sure the parents understand and can ask any questions they would like.

After that I get to head home to my girls and await the arrival of my parents

I suggested to Callie that we all go out for dinner, something easy and we wouldn't have to cook but she said that she wanted too, Callie is the best cook I have ever met, well all besides my mother but she doesn't need to know that

I had to be at the hospital at 6 and it was just 5:30, I had gotten up half an hour earlier and got ready for my day,

If the day goes as planned I will be home and able to get in a small nap before my parents arrive

Callie was still asleep and so was Jess but the two of them knew I was leaving this morning, I kissed Callies head and grabbed my things, heading off to the hospital

I missed this, Seattle I mean, my friends, family. Don't get me wrong. I love Africa and what I'm doing and I know I can't move Jess away from them anytime soon. At least not until the year is up. But I have been considering moving back, it was only supposed to be a year anyway. I still have my job here. It's just a lot to think about

Once I arrived to the hospital I met with the rest of my team once more to make sure we had everything figured out and I walked down to the patient rooms, the PEDS floor is my favorite: well of course. I decorated it to be homey and fun for the children

After the long talk with the parents and answering all their questions all parties involved felt very confident and are ready for our surgery tomorrow

I left the hospital and made it home just after 11, Callie was awake and making lunch when I walked in

I dropped my things at the door and walked over to give her a kiss

"Jess still asleep?" I ask poring myself a cup of coffee

"Yea," she tells me and I nod

She finished lunch and we both began to eat

Jess came out a little while later and ate her lunch next to us

"What time are you parents coming?" She ask me

"Around 3" I say, meaning I have like 3 hours till then

"Well I'm taking a nap" she says and walks back to her room

"Me too" I say and Callie follows me into ours and lays down with me after I had taken all of my clothing off

Around 2 o'clock we all got up and god ready for my parents arrival

I could tell Jess and Callie were both nervous,

At 2:45 there was a knock on the door, definitely startling us all

I smiled and got up to open it,

"Zona!" My mom exclaims taking me into a big hug

"Oh my god I missed you guys" I say releasing her from our hug and stepping up to my dad and he wraps his arms around me

"It's good to see you" he smiles and o step back, ready to formally introduce them to my family

Jess and Callie had made their way over to us and stood just behind me

"So formally, this is Jess and Callie" I smile and my mom quickly wraps her arms around Jess

"Oh I am so excited to meet you in person," she says and steps back, leaving both her hands on either side of Jess' arms

"Look how beautiful you are, " she says and Jess blushes a little

"Callie, you've made my daughter the happiest I have seen her. Thank you" my dad says and I blush and shake my head

They came in and I shut the door behind them and we walked to the living room, I could tell Jess was a little nervous which was odd to me seeing as she hasn't been the shy type at all

She stayed by my side while Callie and my parents sat down

"You guys want anything to drink?" I ask

"Tea if you have it" my mom says

"Come help me" I whisper and she nods and follows me

"Can you get the glasses down?" I ask and she nods once again as I go and get the tea out of the fridge

"Thank you sweets" I smile and began to pour the tea into all of the glasses

"Hey come here" I say, stopping her before she left the kitchen.

"Hm?" She hims and I pull her into a hug

"What's going on?" I ask

"I just want them to like me" she says and I smile

"And what have I told you about that?" I ask, pulling back and placing my hands on either side of her head

"That I don't need to worry about it" she sighs and I smile and nod

"Exactly, they already love you. Don't worry your pretty little brain about it" I smile and kiss her head

"You know you're pretty good mom" she smiles and helps me take the drinks out to everyone

"Jess! Come sit next to me Hunny" my mom says and I nod gently at Jess and she walks over to my mom and sits down next to her

At first I could tell she was a little nervous but soon warmed up to them

"Oh I brought something I wanted to show you" she says placing a hand on Jess' arm and gets up going to her bag and bringing a book back over. A book that I recognize all too well

"Mommm no" I say and hide my face with my hand

"Zona you were a cute baby" she says and opens the book, I moved over and sat on the arm of the couch as my mom was showing Jess and Callie my baby pictures

"Aww baby look at your cute butt" Callie teases pointing to a picture of Tim and I in the bath when we were young

"Mom" I groan

"I like that one!" Jess smiles, pointing to the picture at my 2nd birthday was icing all over my face

"Mom had pushed my face in the cake!" I exclaim and Jess laughs

"This is my favorite one of you and Tim" my moms smiles

Tim had just taught me how to ride a bike and our parents were finally letting me ride to the park with him for the first time, mom made us wait to take a picture and Tim was taller than me. He always was but in this picture I was looking up to him with the biggest smile on My face, he was the best big bother

"I love you baby girl"

Till next time ❤️

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