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So yes. I know this is a trope that pops up a lot but it's fun to write (and read I think) so I hope you enjoy.

Sam and Bucky had a mission.

Sam was sick of the man's constant teasing, sarcasm and quick mood changes. It was... Irritating and it was hard to know how to treat him from day to day.

But Sam embraced it and increased his onslaught of insults and not exactly kind remarks. Sometimes it got a little out of hand.

Sam's feelings towards Bucky had changed recently. He tried to hide them with anger and insults but it was hard to keep up the act.

Instead of hurting Bucky he wanted to hold him and hug him and kiss him-

But he didn't have the time for that.

'Hey Chucky. How you holding up?'
'It's Bucky' The man growled in response.

They were currently making their way to a busy street market where some inside deals had been going on. It was a small mission but it was enough to ignite their not quite friendly teasing again.

Their instructions had been to not engage. At all. If they were to, innocent people could be injured and the avengers couldn't exactly handle that after the Sokovia accords.

Sam had had to leave his trusty wings back at the facility and Bucky had to cover his metal arm with thick leather gloves. Sam could tell they were uncomfortable as he kept pulling at them and fixing them.

'So remember big guy. No engaging in... Conflict. We go in, talk calmly maybe threaten them and go out, with no hurting innocent people. I know it's probably hard for you but-'
'Shut up'
'But hurting people is what you do? Don't worry, I'll stop you if you decide to kill some people-
'Stop it'

But Sam was still going.

'I mean you're so used to hurting and killing people that it must be hard to walk down the street and not decide to choke someone or shoot them'

Sam was going too far and he knew it. He could see a dull flush rising on Bucky's face. But Sam kept going.

'I'm honesty surprised that you haven't killed me by now! Seeing as if a person even annoys you a little bit you pull out a gun and bam-'

Bucky had stopped walking. He looked cold. Sam realised what he had said.

Maybe that was a bit too far...


Bucky ignored him and walked past him, twice as fast as before. Sam struggled to keep up. He almost regretted picking on the super soldier.

They reached the street market. Coloured lights covered the stalls and the place was crammed with people.

What kind of street market operates at night?

Bucky was leading the way now. Sam struggled to keep up. He was determined to remain at the same pace as Bucky but he was too fast.

He regretted treating Bucky so badly. What had gotten into him? He shouldn't have said that...

Suddenly Bucky pulled Sam into a quiet shelter. Sam frowned as Bucky looked out.

'That's them'

Sam looked out. A women and a man were standing, appearing to just be buying some bead necklaces at a stall but behind the view of most people they were passing a bag to a man wearing a weird black coat.

'What do we do?'

Bucky barely turned to Sam.

'We intercept it'

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