The VR Set

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Bucky was woken up early by his phone ringing. He leaned over to the small table beside his bed and grabbed it, yawning.

'That's a nice greeting'
'What do you want, Sam'

He heard Sam chuckle before he started speaking again.

'Did I wake you up, Princess?'
'Ha ha. Shut up'
'Well it's like 12 o clock and I was wondering...'

Sam paused. Silence.

'Hello? You still there?'
'Yeah... I was just wondering if...'

He heard Sam exhale.

'Do you want to come over? And... Hang out?'

Bucky was quite taken aback by the offer. He did not realise Sam liked him enough to want to hang out with him.

'We... We could watch a movie or play video games?'
'Sure. I'll be over in 30 minutes'

He heard a small laugh escape Sam and he smiled.

'See you soon!'

Time to get ready to go to Sam Wilsons apartment.


'Uh... Hi!'

Sam smiled awkwardly and pulled the door open more so Bucky could come in. Bucky bit his lip and followed his friend in.

They headed into the sitting room where there was a...

Technological thing...

'Um... I got a VR set!'

Sam was excited about it like a child at Christmas time. It was cute.

'What's that?'

Bucky sat down, looking at the... VR set as Sam called it. Sam eyes widened and he looked at Bucky in shock.

'I know you're old but what the hell'
'Why would I know?'
'I don't know maybe...'

Sam sighed and began explaining the idea of it to Bucky. It sounded pretty stupid but Sam seemed excited so Bucky decided to participate.

'You want to go first?'

Sam pulled Bucky up and picked up the headset. He adjusted something on it and then reached out to put it on Bucky.

'So it goes on her-'

Bucky flinched away from the headset.


Sam had realised why he didn't like it. He lowered the head set and backed away.

'You don't have to...'

Bucky took a deep breath.

'No no. I... I'll try it'

Sam looked at Bucky, concerned but when he nodded again he accepted what Bucky had said.

'Okay if you're sure'

He raised the headset and placed it on Bucky's head. (Sorry I barely know how these work so you know... Just let me make it up 😂)

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