The Dare

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'Only call Bucky pet names for a week'

Sam wasn't one to turn down a dare. And this was no different.


He shook hands with Nat, watched by the other laughing avengers and prepared himself.

Time to seduce a super soldier.

Starting with breakfast.

'Hey sugar! Pass me the milk, will ya?'

Bucky visibly froze. And began choking on his lucky charms.

'Hey are you okay... Babe'

The confused super soldier shot him a strange look. Sam plastered a smile onto his face.

'Did... Did I miss something?'

Sam just kept the same bright smile on his face, causing the 106 year old intense discomfort.

A dull flush was making its way up his face. And Sam realised...

He was feeling nervous.

'Pass the milk, sunshine'

And Bucky - with an embarrassed expression on his face - stood up, shoved the milk at Sam and left.

Leaving his half eaten cereal on the counter.

In the hallway.

Sam passed Bucky and just as they caught eyes he said it.

'Hey doll'

Bucky froze and blushed, biting his lip. Something changed in Sam's heart.

Something clicked.

Seeing Bucky so flustered and embarrassed was... Something else. He felt powerful.

And suddenly it wasn't just a dare anymore.

As Bucky walked away, Sam found himself grabbing the super soldiers arm and turning him to face him.

He wanted a reaction.


Bucky pulled his arm away.

'What the hell are you doing'
'What... Baby'

Sam tried to look confused. It was hard to keep a straight face as Bucky stared at him.

'Sam. Stop messing around'
'How am I messing around? I just greeted you!'

Bucky stepped back.

'Using a...'

He paused, looking embarrassed.

'It doesn't matter'

Sam took a step towards Bucky, reaching an arm out to trace down the uncomfortable super soldiers arm. He smirked noticing Bucky face.

He was aware he was taking it a bit far but he didn't expect Bucky to respond by grabbing his arm and slamming him against a wall.

'Cut. It. Out'

The 106 year olds face was centimetres from Sam's own and when he realised that his heart sped up.

Yep. I've taken this too far as usual.

He found himself unable to speak as Bucky glared at him, his face so close Sam could see every little detail on his face.

And then Bucky stopped. He realised what he had done and how close they had become.

'Uh...Sorry I didn't mean to-'

This is probably a bad idea.

Sam grabbed Bucky's arms, twisting them to pin him against the wall. Bucky eyes widened in shock as Sam leaned in closer, smiling into the super soldiers surprised face.

Now would be a bad time to say it but...

A dares a dare.

'How'd you like it now...beautiful?'

And then Bucky's lips were crashing against his own and he was being pushed backwards into the nearest room, which was fortunately empty.

His mind was empty, all dares out of his head. 

It was surprising that the 106 year old super soldier seemed so confident with kissing a man. Sam had not expected this.

But here he was making out with James 'Bucky' Barnes against a wall.

Bucky pulled away, locking eyes with Sam. Sam's stomach did a backflip. The super soldier had a guilty yet slightly surprised expression on his face.

'I...I shouldn't have. I'm sorry'

Sam could only watch as Bucky's smile disappeared, replaced by his usual numb expression. Bucky stepped back, releasing Sam and moving his hands away from either sides of Sam's face.

No. He didn't want him to leave.

This wasn't just a dare anymore.

'No! I want you-'

He cut across himself, looking embarrassed. He closed his eyes for a second to control his thoughts.

It was stupid. Bucky didn't actually feel like this. He couldn't! And Sam...didn't either.

That's what he told himself.

And then all thoughts were out of his head as-

A hand was cupping his face while another was resting at his waist. He opened his eyes.

Sam eyes widened as he found himself staring into the bright blue eyes of the one person he had never expected to be kissing.

'You want me?'

Bucky was smirking, looking like the man Steve had described him as in the 40s. Sam could only nod slowly in response to his question.

Suddenly Bucky leaned in so that their lips were centimetres apart. So close Sam could feel his breath on his face and almost taste-

'Then you can have me'

And then they were kissing again. Sam's heart racing in his chest but feeling glad that he had got the dare.

And if Bucky was to dare Sam to be his boyfriend he wouldn't say no.

He wasn't one to turn down a dare.

Hey it's been a while 😊 I hope u are all well and chillin'✌️

I hope u enjoyed! I know these are a bit repetitive so please give me some obscure suggestions if you want 😌 I may not do all though so...

Stay safe :)

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