Under The Sea (Merman AU)

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Thank you Sambucky109 for the suggestion. I really appreciate all your comments. You make my day ☺

I am SOOO sorry this is so so late. I was feeling extremely stuck on this and left it for later...but then a month passed and...

I'm sorry.

I'll try to be faster in future.

I am currently trying to get through all the oldest suggestions but don't worry I'll be on top of things soon.


'Sam...remember now. Me and your father will be gone out late with Sarah. But don't worry we'll be back as soon as possible'

Sam nodded, already bored of his mother's words. They had already gone over this.

'And remember...do not go out after 10-'
'Unless you want to die'
'-Unless you want to die'

She paused, tilting her head. Smiling at her son.

'I love you'
'I love you too'

She pressed a kiss to his forehead and swam out of his section of the cave.

'Stay safe'

And they were gone.

To Sarah's...school thing.

Sam quickly got bored. He didn't want to stay in the cave past 10. All his friends were outside...having fun!

But he knew it was only for his safety.

That didn't stop him from leaving though.


Sam swam out to his friends but as he got closer they all turned and went home, having not seen him.


He turned to head home, feeling dejected and bored. He should have just listened to his mom.


Sam snapped his head up, feeling panic well in his stomach when he saw it.

The boat.


What had his mom said all those years ago?

'If you see a boat, freeze'

Sam froze, feeling stupid. Knowing he should probably swim away. But too scared to do anything.

The boat was moving. A net lowering. Too close.

Sam panicked.

Mom said stay. I should stay.

But his fight or flight instincts were kicking in.

He moved.

The net instantly moved with him, carrying him with it. He moved away further, trapping himself tight. He kicked out with his tail, only succeeding in trapping himself further. His tail was tangled up with the net and his arms trapped. He pulled his arms free, struggling to untangle his tail.


And then a hand grabbed his arm, pulling him free. A sharp rock hitting against the net, cutting him but also freeing him.

He swivelled to see his saviour but hands shoved him and a harsh word spoke.


Sam didn't hesitate. He swam towards his house, diving through the cave and to his seaweed hammock. He lay there, shaking with adrenaline and...


After a minute he swam out of his house, peeking first for the boat. But nope. No boat.

All clear.

He looked out, looking for his hero in the dark waters eventually locking eyes with...

A boy. About his age..

His heart just about stopped.

He had never seen anyone like this before.

His face was...beautiful that was for sure. But besides that, he also had a curiousity behind his gaze with an edge of...pain. He had a slight smirk on his face that made his jawline even more noticeable and structured and-

Most mermaids/men had blueish-tails...like Sam! But this Merman had...

Blue and silver.

The blue was bright and piercing and matched his eyes. It was striking.

Sam tried not to stare too much.

'T-Thank you'

The boy swam towards him (Even his movement was beautiful!) And stuck a hand out.

'James. You can call me Bucky though...because you're an idiot'

Sam just gaped at him, now openly looking him up and down.

'Uh... I'm Sam'

Bucky took his hand, smiling slightly and shook it.

'You're welcome'

Sam just nodded. Trying to process.

His body was panicking.

'Have your parents not told you about not going out past 10?'
'Yes but-'
'Okay. Yep. I was right. You are an idiot'

He sounded serious but there was a twinkle in his eye that told Sam otherwise. But Sam still don't know how to respond.


'Why are you outside so? What about your parents?'
'They're dead'
'They were killed by a boat'
'Oh my...I'm sorry'

Bucky laughed at Sam's apologetic expression.

'Its okay. I'm over it. I'm just out to stop idiots like you from dying'

Sam's face dropped. He was not special.

Not special to this god.



Bucky studied his face, searching for answers.

'Okay...wanna go somewhere?'

And that was the start of a beautiful friendship.

(And then romance)

Thank you sm for reading! I hope you enjoyed 😊 Again sorry it's so late...

If you think I've forgotten your suggestion feel free to lemme know. Don't be shy...I won't mind! ☺️

Btw I just want to say thank you for all the support with my stories. I mean...we are past 15k! Like WHOA! All your comments make my day... you're the sweetest people ever 🥰 If you ever need anything let me know. Like if you need to vent or have a question for me!

Stay safe :)

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