Electric Love

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If you want you can listen to the song while reading. It might make it more enjoyable or not! It doesn't exactly match but I listened to it while writing so you know... Maybe try it? I hope you enjoy ❤️

It was raining.

Bucky sat on the roof, his feet hanging over the edge. He had recently been adjusting to heights and Sam had suggested he go as close as possible without thinking about it.

The sky lit up, with lightning.

He had been here too long. Mesmerised by the pretty flashing flights, the loud rumbles of thunder and the refreshing rain. He was soaked to the skin. But it felt great.

It felt safe.

'Bucky! Where'd you go?'

Bucky turned his head to see Sam Wilson standing behind him. His eyes were concerned and he held an umbrella.

'Come in. I don't want you to get struck by lightning'

Bucky sighed and turned back to the city. He could see cars driving down below him and street lights. It was late. But it was hard to tear his eyes away from the storm.

Bucky heard steps coming up from behind him and noticed Sam sit beside him. Sam lowered the umbrella and tilted his head back to the rain, letting it rush over him. A wide smile appeared on his face and he reached for Bucky's hand.

'Bucky... I know I told you to get used to heights but this is not what I meant'

Bucky sighed but as lightning struck again his eyes lit up in excitement. He was positioned in such a way, Sam thought he could literally fly off the roof if he wanted to.

He looked... angelic.

'Just look... For a couple of minutes'

Sam sighed but complied, squeezing Bucky's hand.

They both sat in silence as the thunder continued, the rain worsened and the lightning got closer.

Suddenly a strike hit a nearby building causing sparks to fly through the air. Bucky gasped with excitement and delight.

'Sparks! Like with... You'

He turned to Sam, smiling a shy, sweet smile and Sam felt his heart drop. His was smile as beautiful as the first time he had seen it.

Sam didn't stop himself from speaking the words he had been thinking for a long time.

'I love you'

Bucky's mouth dropped open and he let out a little squeak.

'Wha- What'
'I love you, James 'Bucky' Barnes'

Bucky's smile grew as Sam stared at him. His eyes reflected the lightning and city lights giving him a permanent look of wonder and adoration.

But it wasn't just the lightning.

'I-I love you, Sam'

Sam's face broke out into a wide smile and he pulled Bucky towards him, resting his forehead against Bucky's. He smirked at the expression that had come over Bucky's face.

'I love you but please don't go on the roof again during a storm'
'But the lightning!'
'If you need sparks... Well you and I have got plenty'

Bucky's mouth dropped open as Sam leaned in and kissed him. Sparks flew.  Not just from the lightning.

Suddenly Bucky grabbed Sam's arm tight as he was pushed back slightly.

'Don't worry, I'm not gonna let you go'

Bucky smiled into the kiss and mumbled.

'I know'

I know this was short but I thought it would be cute so... Ya know.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed! Ilysm 😊❤️

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