That must be so confusing for a little boy

830 27 13

I was listening to this song while writing this...pain.

I hope you enjoy!


James waited at the end of the ward, nervously fiddling with his hands. His nails were bitten down, bleeding from his anxious gnawing. His mother placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, keeping him grounded. Her familiar warmth give him the bravery to walk towards the door.

'James. Just talk to him'

The nurse opened the door, letting him pass through and enter the room. His mother stayed a few feet back. She knew he needed space.

James swallowed hard, building the courage to speak.

'Hi Sam!'

His friend didn't look up from his hands. He hadn't seemed to have heard him.

Like he had pretended that day back in September, to annoy his friend. James tried to smile, remembering the joke.


Sam barely seemed to be breathing. He was quiet. Too quiet. James frowned, waving a hand in front of his friends face.

'James', his mother warned.

He stepped back, looking at his feet. He felt a sudden rush of panic in his stomach. He raised his head to look at his friend. He couldn't bring himself to reach out again. Like they'd used to hold hands and play.

In the house, aged 2.
In the sandpit aged 5.
In the park, aged 7.
And then that last time, on the road, in front of that car, aged 10.

'Take his hand James. Help him remember'

'Sam! It's me!'

James tentatively took his friends hand, squeezing it tightly. Sam's hand was slack. He didn't squeeze it back.

As he hadn't when the car hit.


James felt tears welling in his eyes. He didn't know why. Why was he feeling sad. It had just been a fall. Sam was only playing...

Of course?

'Sam stop messing with me'

Sam turned his head away from James, not showing any recognition on his face. He dropped James' hand, turning his whole body away.


His mother placed a gentle hand on his arm, pulling him away.

'Its okay. You tried'

His mother led him out the door, the tears at last spilling down his face. He knew deep down, Sam wasn't coming back.

He was barely aware of his mother stopping beside a nurse and talking. He wiped a tear and then saw Sam's family.



Except Sarah who clutched her doll, so tight her arm was tense.

James looked away, walking away from his mom. Heading out the doors of the hospital.

His mother didn't even notice, too busy talking to the nurse.

'That must be so confusing for a little boy'

He stepped out onto the road, in front of the cars. He didn't notice the honking horns, curses and concerned calls.


'That must be so confusing for a little boy'


Sorry it was so short. I felt really sad writing this so...

I hope you enjoyed it 😊

Stay safe :)

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