Furniture Shopping

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Thank you Cereal_Killer_2021 for the suggestion! Ilysm and hope you enjoy 😊❤️

Based around the time of falcon and the winter soldier.

'We... We can go to my apartment'

Sam raised his head from bandaging his arm. Bucky's apartment?

'Is that safe?'
'Well no one exactly knows where I live... Not even you do so...'

Sam nodded and stood up, offering Bucky his hand. He stood and they headed to the car.

'I'll driv-'
'I'm driving'

Sam got in front and started the car. Bucky sat in silence.

'So... How are we gonna sort this situation-'
'Please can we talk about something else?'

Bucky shot Sam's surprised face a pleading look.

'I-I just want to go home and... Relax. Until we have to deal with it'

Sam nodded. He got that.

'It's fine. I get it'

He got it.

* * *

Sam walked into Bucky's apartment and noticed straight away.

The amount - or maybe the absence- of furniture.

He didn't say anything but his expression must have told Bucky something so before he knew it the 106 year old super soldier was blushing. Sam tried to switch his expression but it was too late.

'Yeah... I don't have much furniture but... I'm not here enough'

Sam shook his head, backtracking.

'No no it's... perfect'

Bucky shot Sam a disbelieving smile. He shook his head laughing.

'Yeah... I might need more'
'A new couch or chair at least'

Bucky sighed and sat on the old couch he had. He closed his eyes for a second before opening them again.

'Do you want a drin-'
'Wait. Why don't we go furniture shopping?'

Bucky frowned.

'No! After this... Problem. I'll schedule a date!'

Bucky bit his lip as Sam marked a date on his phone.

'Is a Saturday good?'
'But Sam... I don't need anything'

Sam shook his head and walked towards the couch.

'Yes you do'

Bucky rolled his eyes but let Sam persuade him to go shopping.

Furniture shopping.

* 1 month later *

*Knock knock*

Bucky looked at the door. It was too early. Why was someone knocking?

He stood up unsteadily and tripped towards the door, hitting his head off it.

'Bucky! Are you ok?'


Bucky pulled the door open, holding his head in his hand. Sam stood there with a smile on his face. He pushed past Bucky into his apartment.

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