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Drunken laughter.

Typical avengers.

Hands grabbing Sam and shoving him to the cupboard. 'Its your turn'. A game.

Whatever the hell this game was.

He was blindfolded and then the door was closed. Someone was already here.

The objective of the game was to guess who the other person was without talking.


Sam hadn't seen any missing avengers so he was already stuck. He could sense there was a person in front of him so he stepped closer, misjudging how close and accidently bumping into them. He couldn't even apologise.

So far he could tell it was a male avenger from the height and build...but that was it. The person was slightly taller than him and...

Sam reached out grabbing their left hand and was met by a glove.


But no. Sam had forgotten that they had all been made wear a glove on their left hand so Bucky wasn't easily eliminated.

Sam sighed and reached out to the person who was obviously holding their breath.


He couldn't say it though. They'd recognise his voice and he'd be eliminated.

He'd be here all night if he didn't guess...but he had no way to find out...

Unless he could make the person talk.

Sam sighed and pinched the person's right arm. But no response.

Hm it's not Clint then.

Clint always impulsively hit out when Sam pinched him.

But that was all he got.

He'd have to follow the rules.

Steve and Tony had been in the cupboard for almost 2 hours before Tony had guessed by punching him in the stomach. The super soldier had doubled over and swore and Tony had recognised his voice.

Nat and Bruce had only been there for 10 minutes before Nat guessed by kissing him...

Because she'd recognised his kiss?


But Sam hadn't kissed any of the avengers...


He could only try though.

Suddenly his hand was grabbed by the person and he was pulled closer. Sam almost spoke before remembering he couldn't.

The person reached for his face and accidently hit his neck. No apology.


The hand reached up to his face, tilting his chin upwards and then he was being kissed.

Thy had made the decision for him.

The kiss was not familiar- obviously - but it...

It was nice.

Sam ran through the options in his head as the person moved their hand down to his arm, obviously trying to find some familiarity.

It couldn't be Bruce. He was too nervous and would never make the first move. Plus Sam was pretty sure he was taller than him.
It couldn't be vision because he wasn't playing and he wasn't as built as this person. It couldn't be Tony because he was shorter and it couldn't be any of the that left Steve, Thor, Bucky.

Sambucky one shots (Requests?)Where stories live. Discover now