Let's dance

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Bucky stood at the side of the dance floor, watching everyone having fun. Nat and Steve were bopping up and down in the centre, Bruce was awkwardly fistpumping while Thor dramatically danced around the room. Tony was trying to persuade Pepper to dance while Clint chugged down another...beverage. But Bucky found his eyes wandering to the one who was just vibing alone in the corner, singing along to the music.

Sam Wilson.

He smiled to himself as he watched Sam. Over the laughing and blasting music, he could faintly hear Sam's voice, singing along.


Bucky laughed and then Sam turned to him, locking eyes with him straight away as if he had already noticed him.

Which he probably had.

Still singing, he danced across the floor towards Bucky. Bucky couldn't help but laugh, embarrassed as Sam held out his hand, still singing. He said something that Bucky couldn't hear, looking eager.


The room was too loud to hear him. Bucky leaned forward slightly.

'What? I can't hear you'

Sam sighed, laughing and leaned in so his lips were beside Bucky ear, so close Bucky could feel the vibrations of his voice.

'Lets dance'

Bucky looked at him, in shock. Dance? Sam wanted to dance with him?

'Come on!'

He pulled away and grabbed Bucky's hand, leading him onto the dance floor. Ignoring his protests, he put his arms around Bucky's neck, smiling into his friends surprised face. He began swaying back and forth, forcing Bucky to awkwardly move with him.

'T-This isn't a slow song'

Sam laughed, tipping his head backwards. Bucky didn't know what to do with his hands. They were hung, useless by his side but it didn't feel like the right thing to do.

'Well you can dance slow to fast songs'

While Bucky tried to decide what to do with his hands, Sam continued singing to the music, an ABBA song currently.

'You can dance. You can jive. Having the time of your life-'

Thor bumped into the pair, knocking them backwards, causing Sam to fall which forced Bucky to decide what to do with his hands. He grabbed Sam's waist, steadying him. Sam glanced down at his hands, smirking, while Bucky blushed.

'Nice song right?'

Sam was staring him straight in the eyes, which as always made him lose his train of thought. But even worse than usual as Sam was also extremely close to him.

'Are you gonna dance or are you just gonna hold me and stand there?'

Bucky squeezed his eyes shut before he remembered it wasn't one of his many dream about Sam. You can't just close your eyes for no reason in real life. People will think you're weird.

Sam was now staring at him, the corner of his mouth turning up into an amused smile. He studied Bucky's face before leaning in closer.

Bucky panicked.

Moving his hands from around Bucky's neck, he ran his hands down the sides of his arms, sending chills down his spine.

'So tense...'

He smirked and Bucky looked away, embarrassed while Sam put his arms back around his neck.

'Why don't you just let go and...' He pressed his lips to the side of Bucky's face and whispered, 'Dance'

He moved his arms away from around Bucky's neck and took the super soldier's hands off his waist, taking them instead and leaning back and pulling Bucky with him.

'Dance properly with me, James'

The use of his first name had a strange effect on Bucky. His stomach did a backflip and before he knew it he was pulling Sam in and 'properly dancing' with him.

Sam laughed in surprise as Bucky spun him and continued singing along. Bucky's heart soared as he heard the beautiful voice of Sam Wilson so clearly.

He led Sam away from some others they were too close to and tried to relax. Being so close to him and holding his hands was making him nervous.

'Why-' Bucky gasped as Sam pulled him closer, changing who was leading, 'N-nevermind'

Sam smirked and turned his head slightly to look around the room, seeming to be making sure no one was watching. He smiled, satisfied and put his arms back around Bucky's neck, receiving a nervous smile from the super soldier.

'I loved dancing like that with you but-' He again moved his lips closer to Bucky's ear to whisper so no one could hear, 'I want you closer'

This statement obviously had a double meaning as after speaking, Sam pulled away, shooting Bucky a...

Flirty look?

Sending Bucky's heart racing.

'So...uh... Do you wanna take a break or-'

Sam let go of Bucky and stepped back. Bucky instantly missed his hands...

What the hell is wrong with me?

But Sam wasn't leaving. He shot Bucky a mischievous look and put a hand on his shoulder and walked behind him, causing Bucky to subconsciously turn and follow him with his eyes.

'What are you doin-'

He felt Sam press a kiss to his neck and he froze.

'Shi- Sam someone will see'

They had moved away from the rest of the avengers but Bucky still didn't feel like having that conversation with them if they noticed.

'Relax. If you want we can always go somewhere else or...I'll stop if you want'
'No! I mean...'

Sam walked in front of him to look him in the eyes, smirking and looking him up and down.

Bucky silently swore.

'Why don't we...take this outside?'

Bucky knew what that meant.


'Okay. Why don't we continue dancing then?'

He didn't wait for an answer. He took Bucky's hands, leading him back onto he dance floor. Bucky tried to comprehend everything that had just happened.

He had never realised...

I didn't know how to finish this so...I hope u enjoyed! 😌


Btw remember if u need to vent I'm here ☺️❤️

Stay safe :)

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