Toxic Relationship Pt 2 (High-school AU)

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Here's part 2 bestiesss 🤗

Sam picked up his phone. He was considering calling Bucky. No. That was annoying.

He'd text him.


I'm sorry

I didn't mean to hurt to u 😭

I was just jealous 😔

Plz answer




Do you want to
hang out and
talk about it 🥺

Shut up

I'm busy

Yeah. He was mad.

Sam dropped his phone down on the bed and put his head in his hands, groaning. He'd really messed up this time.

Because of his stupid jealousy.

He knew Bucky liked Devon. Sam was always right so of course he did.

The way they talked, hung out and just were. Bucky didn't want Sam anymore.


Sam picked up his phone to put something on his story.

Having fun with my girlfriend.

That would make Bucky even angrier.

He waited a few minutes, scrolling through his phone. Waiting for a response.

He did star jumps. Got some water. Had a shower.



He picked his phone up, expecting a jealous, ranting message from Bucky but instead-

Good for u

What?! He wasn't even a little bit jealous?!

Sam covered his face with a pillow. It wasn't fair. It was over.

He'd have to get him back.

He already missed having him in his room, just sitting on the bed on his phone. Eating snacks, going to the cinema, bowling.

And making out of course.

But that was beside the point. He missed Bucky.

He needed a plan.


'Sam! There you are!'

Sam turned away from his locker, hoping to see Bucky but was instead greeted by Nat.

'Hi Nat'

He slammed his locker shut and put his bag on his back. Began walking away. Nat followed.

'I heard you and Bucky broke up. What happened?'

Sam sighed in annoyance.

'We didn't... Break up. We are on a break'
'Yeah right. I assume he ended it'

Sam shot Nat a confused look as she unwrapped a piece of gum and offered him some. He was about to shake his head but decided, why not?

'Thanks. And yes he did but why would you assume he did?'
'Because you're a desperate boy'

Sam swallowed the gum and began choking. Nat rolled her eyes and slapped his back causing him to cough it up.

'Careful. You almost spat on Banner'

Sam turned to see Bruce shooting him a confused look.

'Sorry! But... How am I desperate?'
'You... You just are?'

Sam glared at her just as they reached class. He paused outside the classroom, taking a deep breath.

'Hm... Why don't we skip class?'

Nat laughed and grabbed his arm.

'Not a chance'

They entered the classroom.

The first thing Sam noticed was Bucky sitting at his desk, his head in his phone. Sma veered away from his usual table beside him and headed for the back.

'Nooo. You know that's where Steve and I sit. Go sit with Bucky'

She pushed him hard and headed to her desk.

Goddamn it Nat.

He slid into the seat beside Bucky and picked up his phone, glancing behind him at Nat and Steve. They both did the thumbs up, Steve's smile was encouraging and genuine but Nats was...

She was flipping him off.

Sma sighed and turned to Bucky, prepared to speak. He opened his mouth and-

'No. Don't start'

He closed his mouth.

'It's too early for your crappy apologies'

Bucky had placed his phone down on the desk and was now glaring at Sam.


Sam's face fell. Yeah Bucky wasn't going to listen anytime soon.

'Okay fine. I'll buy you lunch and then you shall listen'
'Wha- No'

Sam grabbed his phone, holding it above his head and standing up.

'Say yes and I'll give you your phone back'

Bucky didn't even falter. He punched Sam straight in the stomach, causing him to double over and drop the phone straight into-

Bucky's outstretched hand.

Sam wheezed, glancing over to Steve and Nat. Nat was laughing hysterically, sitting on her desk while Steve's mouth was hanging open while he covered a smile threatening to appear.


Sam sat down, trying to breathe again. Bucky's ear phones were back in and he was again lost in his phone.

I need help.

Thank you for reading! ☺ Sorry its super lazy.

I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to comment feedback and suggestions!

No more pain for a small while.

Actually no. That was an empty promise.

I'll try to chill with the pain but... I ain't promising anything 😏

Pt 3?

Stay safe :)

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