The Press Conference

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'Relax Jamie, no one's gonna see us'

But Bucky still found himself glancing around the darkened Street, making sure no one was near by.


Sam put his arms around Bucky's neck and kissed him softly. Soon all worries of people seeing them flew out of Bucky's head.

No one was there.

Except for a small chuckle, a click and a flash of a camera.

* * *

'Sergeant Barnes... I have some questions for you'

The room of reporters went quiet, looking to the quiet man, clutching a camera and a laptop.

'May I come up?'

Bucky gestured to the platform, looking bored. The man scrambled up, clutching his possessions, eager to show what he had found.

Sam and Bucky shared a look. They were done with this press conference. They didn't even know why they had to do one.

It seemed the whole public were curious as to what had happened with Karli Morgenthau (?) and the flagsmashers.

Bucky turned back to the reporter who was setting up his laptop to a projector. Huh... What.

He shrugged off his confusion. The man probably just had a PowerPoint of questions.

'So... This isn't directly related to the flagsmashers problem but-'

Sam cut across the man, looking frustrated.

'Then what's the point of it? This press conference was exclusively for this issue'

The man looked up at Sam and smiled nervously.

'You'll see'

He half turned to the room as a PowerPoint loaded up on the screen.

'About a month ago I was doing some research on our two hero's and I discovered something quite interesting- something they aren't telling us'

Sam turned to Bucky, looking confused. The reporters were all looking towards the screen, looking slightly interested.

The man pressed a button, moving onto the next slide. It was just one picture taking up the whole screen.

At first it wasn't clear what the picture was of but when Bucky looked closer his heart stopped. His eyes dropped to his hands and he began fidgeting with them. He could hear Sam cough in surprise.

There was mumbling coming from the crowd, building up to a loud chatter.

The picture was of Sam and Bucky in the alleyway. They were close.

Very close.

Bucky prayed people wouldn't realise it was them and what they were doing.

'As you can see our two hero's are very close'

Bucky dared to sneak a glance at Sam who looked furious. He looked at the screen just as it changed to another picture.

Another photo of Sam and Bucky in the alleyway but closer so you could see for sure it was them. Sam's arms were wrapped around Bucky's neck.

The man continued talking.

'May I ask what you were doing with Sergant Barnes, Mr Wilson?'

Sam glared at the man who had the audacity to take photos of them in their personal lives.

'I don't know why you should care but if you insist-' Sam glared at the whole crowd, rasing his voice, '-I was hugging him because there is no toxic masculinity here'

The reporter nodded, accepting his answer but followed with another pushy question, 'And this is a friendship of course?'

Sam gritted his teeth.

'Okay then... What about this?'

The PowerPoint switched to another slide. It was a video this time, zoomed in on Bucky and Sam's faces and it was obvious.

They were kissing.

The crowd of reporters gasped and raised their cameras.

Flashes. Clicks.

Sam moved stepped to the front and raised his hands to stop them. He was ignored. The security started trying to stop the reporters. It was over.

'Next person to take a picture- STOP! I will sue your ass!'

The reporter at the front grabbed his stuff and snuck out the side, leaving everything in chaos.

Sam turned to Bucky as the video continued playing. He looked concerned when he noticed Bucky's wide, unfocused eyes, trained on a spot on the opposite wall.

He walked towards him, pulling him to the exit.

'We will NOT be answering questions about this! I will sue you all!'

He was confirming that it was real.

He pulled Bucky out the door and walked him to a dead end beside the building. When he stopped he turned to Bucky, taking his face in his hands.

'Bucky, you okay?'

Bucky blinked and when he noticed it was Sam froze.

'N-No- They... They saw'
'It'll be okay... We'll stop the photos getting around'

They both knew it was too late.

Sam tried to wipe the tears that were now running down Bucky's face. He was shaking.

'Bucky, it'll be oka-'
'Stop Sam. Just stop'

Bucky shoved Sam away from him and began to spit out angry, devastated words.

'I-I asked you if... If it would be fine and you said yes!'

He wiped an angry tear from his face.

'You said yes'

He started crying and when Sam reached for him he pushed past him, running out of the alley.

'I can't do this!'

He left, leaving Sam in shock and tears.

Sorry for pain. Thank you for reading ☺

I hope you enjoyed it!

Feel free to comment suggestions or feedback ❤️

Stay safe :)

I love you all so much 😭 ❤️

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