Dream Pt 4

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Bucky sat at his desk. Working. So hard.

Correction: Trying to work.

He was conscious of Sam behind him. He could hear him writing something, stapling papers and then at last left the room. Bucky sighed in relief.

He had been holding his breath.

He went back to work, but actually worked without the distraction of Sam.

He kept thinking back to earlier. Eating pizza on the wall, watching the market, trusting Sam enough to tell him the dream about him and then...

Him and Sam had been close. They had been before but this time it was different.

Sam had appeared different.

Something had changed.

He looked back at his computer screen. Back to work. They had to have the files back to Rhodey in only a few hours. They'd been up all night.

Suddenly he felt a hand hit his back and his chair was spun around, bringing him face to face with the one person he hadn't expected.

Sam Wilson.

Sam's hands were either side of the chair and his face was close to Bucky's. A small smirk played on his lips.


Bucky swallowed nervously and glanced down to Sam's arms that were locking him into the chair.

'Uh... What are you doing?'

Sam gently brought a hand up to Bucky's face but then pulled away last second. He was...

He leaned in closer, smirking. Then pulled away.

He was teasing.

'Are you drunk?'
'No. I just needed to-'

Bucky couldn't move as Sam slowly pulled the chair closer, his smile widening. What was he doing?

'Who was the man?'

Bucky frowned. Where was this coming from?

'In the dream'
'I-I told you. I don't know'

Sam leaned closer to Bucky so their faces were centimetres apart. He brought his hand up to Bucky's face and-

Pulled away.

'Who was he?'

He smiled at Bucky expression to him moving in closer and then moving away. He was enjoying this.

'Do you want me to kiss you?'

Bucky's mouth fell open in shock. He watched Sam's expression change. He was serious. Bucky shook his head slowly.

Sam bit his lip and seemed to be staring straight into Bucky's soul. They had gone from accidently standing too close to this! In the course of an hour!

'Are you sure?'

Bucky wanted him to. But it felt weak to admit.

Until Sam closed the distance between them so his lips were millimetres from Bucky's. He could hear his heart beating and feel Sam's breath on his face.

'You sure?'

Sam could see it in Bucky's eyes. His smirk told that much.


Sam smiled, satisfied but then pulled away. Bucky watched him, unable to hide his disappointment.

Sam had obviously been joking.

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