Lying On The Floor

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This is for all of y'all who were traumatised on the last ones.

This one shall be sweet with no injuries or bad stuff.

Unless 😏

'Uh... Why are you on the ground?'

It had been a long day. Sam had had a lot of work to do and all he wanted to do when he got home was watch TV and go to sleep.

But now James 'Bucky' Barnes was lying on the floor of his apartment, staring at the ceiling.

Sam repeated himself and with no response knelt down beside the motionless super soldier.


Bucky mumbled something to show he had heard Sam but didn't look at him. How had he even got in?

Sam knew when Bucky didn't want to talk he wasn't going to. But he couldn't just leave him here.

Sam slowly lowered himself to the ground and lay on his back beside Bucky. He heard Bucky exhale slowly.

'So... What are you doing in my apartment and how did you get in?'
'I... I walked in'
'So you didn't break in?'

Sam laughed, hearing the sound echo around the room and hit Bucky's shoulder with his arm, feeling the man tense in surprise.

'You know you could have just called me...'

Bucky turned his head to look at Sam, looking slightly hurt. He began to stand up.

'I-I'll just leave then'

Sam grabbed his arm, pulling him back down.

'No wait! You know that's not what I meant! I was just wondering what you needed'

Bucky sighed and lay back down beside Sam.

'I just wanted to talk to you'

Hearing Bucky say those words made Sam's head spin. He knew that's not what Bucky had intended when he had said it but Sam's imagination was running wild.

What did he want to talk about?

'Well... What is it?'

Bucky looked at Sam and sighed.

'It-It doesn't matter... I just don't really have any friends and you're the only one-'
'We're friends?!'

Sam sat up, leaning on his elbow. He stared at Bucky in surprise.

'Well...we are...I-I mean-'

Bucky turned his head away, looking flustered.

'You know what? Nevermind'

Sam laughed and sat up, looking at Bucky.

'Why are you blushing? You can say we are friends'

At the mention of him blushing, Bucky blushed again, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

'I-I'm not blushing... Its hot in here'
'Its getting hot in here so take off all your clothes-'

Sam realised he had sung that out loud.

'Um... Sorry. Its a song'

Bucky put his head in his hands, laughing. Sam watched him, a smirk appearing on his face.

He had a terrible idea.

He grabbed Bucky's arms, pulling him into a sitting position so they were face to face. Bucky smiled looking confused as Sam reached for his collar.

'You are a mess. Let me fix this for you'

Bucky watched him fix his collar with an amused expression on his face. Until Sam pulled his tie off.

'Wait. What are you doin-'

Sam wrapped it around his own neck and began tying it.

'I think this looks better on me... What do you think?'

Bucky's expression of amusement was changing to one of sheer panic. He watched Sam adjust the tie and then throw his hands out dramatically. Jazz hands.

'I'm not sure what you are doing but it's kind of weir-'
'Shhh. Stop talking'

Bucky shot Sam an offended look and began to argue but Sam leaned forwards so they were inches apart and began speaking in a low whisper.

'So as you know we are coworkers' He did air quotes,' But I don't think that really sticks so I was thinking we should change that label'

Bucky tilted his head sideways and glanced down at Sam's lips.

'What are you suggesting?'

Sam smiled and took Bucky hands in his, smirking as he watched the super soldiers eyes widen.

'I was thinking more of-'

He softly kissed Bucky on the cheek.


Bucky looked at him, struggling to not smile.

'Friends? So friends kiss each other on the cheek?'

Sam shot him a mischievous look and slid a hand to his waist.

'What about on the lips?'

Bucky was beginning to look flustered which amused Sam. He liked seeing him embarrassed.

'Um... I don't know'

Sam trailed a hand down his face and neck, smirking as Bucky froze at his touch.

'Or what about...' He pressed a kiss to Bucky's neck, 'This?'

Bucky closed his eyes for a second, seeming to be collecting his thoughts. When he opened them again he looked completely dazed.

'I-I don't even know what to say to you. I came here to ask you a question and now...'

Sam smirked and stood up, pulling Bucky along with him. Bucky was shaking his head as if he was dizzy.

'Do you want to hold my hand, angel?'

Bucky closed his eyes, blushing and struggling not to laugh.

'No I-'
'Or do you want to kiss me?'

His tone was teasing and obnoxious. Bucky was looking amused and confused. (AY THAT RHYMED)

'I... I don't know'

Sam answered it for him by snaking an arm around his neck and pulling him in to kiss him. Their lips met...


'Wait. What was your question?'

Bucky shook his head, his eyes slightly unfocused.

'Uh what?'
'Your question'

Bucky thought about it for a second.

'I just wondered - because I got a huge bag of sugar accidently- did you want any?'

Sam smirked and began pulling Bucky towards his room.

'Why would I want that when I have you, sugar?'

Bucky let out a laugh as he followed Sam into his bedroom.

Kiddos use ur imagination.

I hope you enjoyed anyway....


Stay safe :)

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