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Thank you so much for the suggestion sxlmawastaken I hope you enjoy ☺

This is basically marvel crack I'll be honest. It's very chaotic 😂

'I hate you. Why don't you just die already?'

Bucky's mouth dropped open as he realised what Sam was saying. Then threw a punch at his friends face.

Sam caught it and glared.

'I'm just saying you're too old to be around anymore'
'You shouldn't have said that'
'Well you shouldn't have eaten my lucky charms'

Bucky swore and stepped back as Sam went to grab his arm.

'Get away from me'

And then the front door swung open. They both turned to the open door, eyes widening in shock. How had someone opened it?

'Who the hell-'

A fairy floated into the room, leaving Sam and Bucky in shock.

'The fu-'
'Hello. My name is Salma. The fairy of fixing broken enemies to lovers relationships'

Sam's mouth fell open. Bucky stepped forward, ready to hit it.

'We are not in a relationship'

The fairy smiled.

'You will be'

'So if you'll excuse me' The fairy pulled out a wand, 'I'll just fix you both'

Bucky had had enough. He stepped forward swinging his fist and-

He was kissing Sam. In his bed.


He pulled away, his eyes wide. Sam also looked shocked.

'Wh-What happened?'
'I-I can't remember'

Bucky's mind was empty. He tried to think. He tried to speak. Maybe... He'd been drunk and...

He couldn't remember.

'We... We should...'

He couldn't get any words out. Sam looked at him, blinking in confusion.

'How-How did we get here?'

He looked Sam in the eye and felt a pull towards him like he was a magnet. He felt drawn to Sam.

'I-I can't...'

Bucky felt himself reaching for Sam and then-


But his thoughts were clouding and his mind was getting foggy and he couldn't help but lean forwards and kiss Sam again. Sam didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

He couldn't think let alone speak.

Not for the next few hours anyway.

Outside the window was Salma. They smiled at their work and left, leaving Sam and Bucky unable to remember how they had got there but unable to pull away.

I hope you enjoyed! Sorry its so short but I was a bit stuck! Ik it's messy too but I tried 😭

Feel free to comment feedback and suggestions! BTW I'm looking for some angst at the moment so.... Hit me up 😂

Stay safe :)

I love you all so much and all your comments make my day. I don't deserve all this love but I appreciate every single comment, vote and read ☺

All your somments help me through these crappy weeks. My dms (?) are always open if you need to vent 😊

Ilysm 🥺 ❤️

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