First Kiss (Kid AU)

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Sam and Bucky are both 12 years old.

*Knock knock*

'Jamie! Answer the door!'

Bucky raised his head from the TV and looked towards the door.

*Knock knock*

He sighed and stood up, heading to the hallway. Why would someone be knocking at 9 o'clock in the morning?

He pulled it open to see his neighbour. Sam Wilson.

'Hi Sam'

Sam smiled, widely, his whole face lighting up and grabbed Bucky's arm, causing him to freeze.

'Come on! We're going to the park!'

Bucky nervously turned to look back into his house to where his mom was. He looked at his feet.

'I-I gotta ask'

Sam frowned but suddenly brightened up again, pushing past Bucky and heading into the kitchen.

'No no Sam you can't jus -'
'Hi Ms Barnes! I'm Sam. Sam Wilson. I was just wondering if James could come with me to the park?'

Bucky's mom snapped her head up from clearing the table. She shot Sam a strange look but didn't even seem to notice he had just walked in.

'Who else is going?'

Sam smiled and bounced on the ball's of his feet.

'Me, Steve, Tony and... Maybe someone else'

Ms Barnes raised an eyebrow but on seeing Sam's wide smile and her sons pleading expression she nodded.

'Be careful, James'

Bucky let his friend pull him out the door, briefly turning to smile reassuringly at his mother.

'I will'

They left.

The minute they were put of sight of Bucky house, Sam grabbed his arm and dragged him in the opposite direction of the park. Bucky resisted his pull.

'I thought we were going to the park?'

Sam turned back to his friend and laughed, throwing his head back to the sky.

'Yeah I know but we have to go to the store first'
'But... I didn't bring money'

Sma patted his pockets, shooting Bucky a little grin.

'It's okay. I got it covered'

He grabbed Bucky's arm again, dragging him towards their local store. They entered and were watched carefully by the shopkeeper as some kids in their school had a reputation for shoplifting.

Sam headed to the drinks aisle and grabbed some cans of coke.

'You want this?' He picked up a packet of Sourpatch kids. Bucky wanted them. But he couldn't let Sam pay for him.

He shook his head.

'Are you sure?'

He nodded. Sam frowned slightly and turned back to the candy.

'You know James you're a little weird... But that's what I like about you'

Bucky smiled shyly, putting his head down. Sam finished choosing what they needed and headed to the counter. He laid and picked up a bag of candy.

'Hey carry this for me will ya?'

He threw Bucky a bag of Sourpatch
kids and winked. Bucky's heart swelled.

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