Lunch With Sambucky

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'I don't like strawberries'
'But you've never had them with chocolate!'

Sam grabbed the bar of chocolate and got a bowl to melt it in. Bucky leaned forwards on the counter and picked up a strawberry, inspecting the bright, red fruit.

'They are just... So fruity'

Sam laughed and broke the chocolate into smaller pieces.

'Great word choice'

Bucky shrugged and took a bite of the bright fruit. He pulled a disgusted face and walked over to the sink to spit it out.

'What a waste'
'It's nasty'

Sam put the chocolate into the microwave to melt it and walked over to his boyfriend who was drinking a glass of water 'to wash the taste away'. He wrapped his arms around his waist and dragged him over to the table, causing him to spill more water then he'd drank.

'Bucky. Why don't you make something?'
'Whyyyy. It's just lunch'

Sam pouted.

'For me?'

Bucky sighed, looking at Sam. He couldn't say no to that face.

'What will I make?'
'Uh... Sandwiches?'

Bucky groaned and walked over to the fridge to inspect the contents. He bent down to look at the bottom, humming.

'So... Will I make lemonade?'

Sam turned on the radio.

'Why are we making a big deal of lunch?'

Sam sighed, shaking his head. He picked up a lemon and inspected it.

'Because... We've been dating for 2 months so... You know it's a big deal'

Bucky nodded and closed the fridge, holding cheese. He strolled over to the sink where Sam was working and showed him it. Sam pulled a disgusted face.

'Cheese? Why is that your choice?'

Sam took it and checked the date. He sighed, exasperated.

'And its out of date!'

Bucky looked at it and groaned. He took it to the bin and dumped it.

'Well... What will I do now?'
'I don't know figure it out!'

Bucky was stuck.

Figure it out.

Hm. What do I want?

Bucky walked to the cupboard and got the ingredients. He knew what to make.


An hour later they were sitting down for lunch. Sam took out lemonade, chocolate strawberries and bread sticks.

'Not very substantial. Now what did you make for the main meal?'

Bucky pulled a covered plate out and smiled.

'Drum roll please!'

Sam complied, drumming a steady beat on the table.

'The magnificent!'

Sam laughed.


He placed the dish down.


He grabbed the lid.


He uncovered the sandwiches.

Sam blinked, confused. He picked up a sandwich and opened it to inspect the contents. When he noticed what it was he laughed, surprised.

'Peanut butter and jelly'
'My speciality!'

Sam lifted it to his mouth as Bucky did the same.

'Wait! I'll only eat it if you eat a chocolate strawberry!'

Bucky groaned, looking at the plate. He wanted Sam to eat his sandwiches.

Well might as well.

He popped one in his mouth. Chewed. Swallowed.


'Sam. I'm surprised'
'What?! Do you like it?!'

Bucky nodded and took another. He smiled at Sam and did a thumbs up.

'OK I'll eat these so'

Sam picked a sandwich up.

'Wait! I forgot glasses!'

He jumped out of his seat and ran to the cupboard. Bucky watched him go and when he knew Sam wasn't watching, he spat the strawberry into a napkin.


Sam was back. He pressed a kiss to Bucky's cheek, took a bite of the sandwich and did a thumbs up.

They finished lunch together.

Thank you for reading ☺

Stay safe :)


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