Model AU Pt 2

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It's been a while but here's PT 2!

Sam brought Bucky to the park. Bucky was completely taken aback by Sam's relaxed approach to the shoot but he just stayed silent and cooperated.

The park was empty and there were puddles everywhere. Bucky was avoiding them, to not mess up his clothes. But Sam just walked straight through then, unbothered.

'Okay Bucky. Come here'

He brought the model over to a cream, concrete pillar and placed his equipment down so he could adjust Bucky's position manually.

'So how long have you been modelling?'
'Since I was... 12'
'Wow. Loads of experience'

Bucky ducked his head, blushing but Sam grabbed his face, pushing his chin back up. Their eyes met.

'Stay like this'

Sam stepped back, framing the shot. Wow.

Bucky looked amazing.

Even in just a simple black long sleeve and black skinny jeans.

'Okay. Let's have a conversation while I take the shots'

Bucky looked confused but accepted it, staying in position, his arms raised above his head.

'You can relax a small bit. It's just a casual conversation'
'... Okay'

Sam set up the camera and checked the angle (?).

'Okay... So what's your favourite colour?'
'Uh... Blue'


'Change position'

Bucky did, moving his hands down and leaning against the pillar.

'What's your family like?'
'My parents are dead'
'Oh... I'm sorry'



Bucky complied.

'So... You live alone?'
'Yes. In a student block near the studio'


Sam barely noticed that he had moved closer to Bucky until he was only about a foot away, the camera focused on the models face.

'And... Why do you do modelling?'
'For the money'
'So you don't enjoy it?'

Bucky went silent, looking a bit confused.


'No... Its just... I'm just a...'

He paused, looking up to meet Sam's eyes.

'A body'

Sam lowered the camera.

'That's not... Fun'

Sam looked thoughtful, putting his equipment away and pulling out a polaroid. Bucky gave him a strange look as he offered a hand out.

'Lets go get a coffee'

Now Bucky was confused.

'But the deadline for your portfolio is in a few hours!'
'An hour chatting won't hurt'

He took Bucky hand, ignoring the models nervous expression and stopped. His sleeve covering his left hand had moved up slightly to reveal...


'Whats this?'

Sam pulled the sleeve higher, noticing a dull flush traveling up Bucky's face. His hand was... Not a hand.

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