Dream Pt 5

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Bucky managed to trap himself in the cupboard.

He had originally been trying to find a quiet place to work where Sam wouldn't find him. But then he had locked himself in.

He was stuck but didn't want to call for help.

He had already lost all dignity begging Sam for a kiss.

Whats wrong with me?

He was weak.

Bucky leaned his head against the door, letting himself cry. He'd had enough.

He dropped the papers and tried to relax. But no. He couldn't steady his breathing. He needed...

He wanted Sam.

'Stupid. You're stupid'

He banged his head against the wall, angry at himself. He was stupid.



Bucky froze and held his breath. Yes he wanted to escape and he wanted Sam but it was weak to need help.

He'd already had enough weakness today.

'Bucky? Open the door'

Before Bucky could stop himself he was answering Sam.

'I can't. It's stuck'

He heard Sam groan and then a loud bang followed.


Sam had kicked the door.

'Wait one second'

Suddenly the door flew open, hitting Bucky's legs hard. He swore and tripped backwards and Sam followed him in, closing the door behind.

'Sorry for hurting yo- Bucky are you okay?'

Sam had noticed the tearstains on Bucky's cheeks and the obvious pain and exhaustion in his eyes. He reached a hand out to his face but when Bucky flinched away pulled back.


Sam looked down.

Suddenly Bucky became extremely aware of the close proximity in the closer. Sam and him were face to face and only centimetres apart. Bucky squeezed his eyes tightly shut. He wished it was dark so Sam wouldn't see him.

The light clicked off and Bucky's eyes opened in surprise.

'I-I did that. I thought... You might need some darkness'

Bucky paused. It was as if Sam had read his mind.

'Thank you'
'It's fine'


Bucky could feel his heart racing and hear Sam breathing in the tight space.
Why had Sam followed him in here?

He wasn't exactly complaining though. Even if he was still mad at Sam.

'Um... Bucky. I apologise for earlier'

Bucky mumbled something about it being okay. It still hurt that Sam had been joking.

'I... I was serious but I pushed it too far'


'You were serious?!'

He heard Sam stifle a laugh and then he felt a hand grab his.

'You can cash in that coupon now if you want to?'

Bucky heard the smirk in his voice and he felt tempted to say yes.

But no. It was his turn to play Sam.

'What's the magic words?'

He heard Sam take a sharp intake of breath.


In the dark Bucky could half see Sam's face. He took advantage of this by leaning in towards him and taking his face in his hands.

'The magic words? Remember?'

Sam was silent and Bucky thought he was going to leave but then-


Bucky felt a strange sense of power on hearing Sam say that. But he knew he couldn't abuse it like Sam had.

'Okay then'

He leaned in closer, gently pressing his lips against Sam's. He felt Sam freeze. Then relax.

It was perfect. Just like the dream.

'Why did we wait this long?'
'Shut up'

Bucky pulled Sam towards him, almost tripping over his own feet. He giggled and smiled into the kiss.


Sam pulled away and in the dim light Bucky could see him staring straight into his eyes.

'You did dream about me! How many times?'

Bucky laughed nervously.

'Uh... Twice I think...'

Maybe more.

He heard Sam laugh and then they were kissing again.

'Wait stop. What happened?'
'The details'

Bucky felt himself blush and was glad it was dark in there. Until the light turned on, blinding him.

'See you are blushing!'

Bucky tried to cover his face but Sam's hands pulled his hands away.

'No no. Its cute'

Bucky smiled shyly.

'Now. The details'

Sam smirked at Bucky, tilting his head.

'Um... It doesn't matter'

Sam raised an eyebrow but accepted it.

'Okay... Well then'

He kissed Bucky again.

(Yo why not roleplay your dream?)

All was good.

Sorry it was short but I'm lazy 😂

Hoped u liked it ☺


Stay safe :)

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