Happy birthday

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The room was silent. Empty.

It was late at night and Bucky Barnes sat alone. Lost in his own world. He sang to himself.

Happy birthday to you'

The ground of the bathroom was cold and wet. But he didn't seem to notice. He had other things on his mind.

'Happy birthday to you'

He laughed as he sang, enjoying the strange calmness rushing through him. He hadn't felt like this in...months.

He sat on the ground, watching the blood running between his fingers. He smiled.

'Happy birthday to Sa-am'

He laughed, his throat hoarse from not having talked in so long. He traced his fingers in the blood on the floor, giggling.

'Happy birthday to you!'

He closed his eyes, at last feeling the pain hit him. He dropped the knife, squeezing his eyes tightly together.

'Happy birthday baby. I'll be with you soon'

His strength left him and he slumped against the wall, dropping the knife. He smiled as he passed out.

He would see Sam again.

He would see Sam again.

He would see him.

But as Bucky slipped deeper and deeper into sleep, Torres came to check on him. An ambulance was called.

Red and blue. Red and blue.

He wanted to die.

He wanted Sam.


Thank you for reading ☺️ Sorry it was so short.

Stay safe :)

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