Gentle Touch

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It was fine. All good.

Bucky had not expected Sam to drop him home and then stand there smiling like an idiot and smiling so cutely that Bucky couldn't resist to not invite him in.

They'd watched TV, sitting at opposite ends of the couch until Sam decided to move slightly and put an arm around Bucky.

It was fine. It felt right. It was just a touch.

But Sam had placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder where his mom used to and it felt so loving and familiar that he had relaxed, leaning against Sam. Even though it was so familiar it still caused him to tense up.

A gentle, loving touch was not a usual thing. He hadn't felt like this in... Far too long.

No one had touched him in years that wasn't trying to hurt him or use him. But Sam was just being friendly and...


He moved his hand down Bucky's arm, drawing near his hand but he let go at the last second, shooting Bucky a little reassuring smile.

'I should probably go'

Bucky didn't respond as Sam got up heading for the door to his apartment. He didn't realise what was happening until he was grabbing Sam's arm and basically begging for more affection.

His eyes were pleading. He wanted Sam to stay.

Sam knew. Bucky knew. They both knew.

He craved affection.


Sam just stared at him before half smiling and stepping back inside, closing the door.

'I guess I can stay a little longer'

As Bucky turned to walk back to the couch he placed a hand on Bucky's lower back, directing him to the kitchen. Bucky shivered at Sam's touch. This was so unfamiliar.

But it felt... Right.

'W-Where are we going?'
'To the kitchen'

Bucky's words failed him as he tried to speak again. Sam pushed him over to the table and then leaned on it facing him.

'Bucky. Are you feeling okay?'
'Yeah. Why?'

Sam laughed lightly, looking downwards before staring Bucky straight in the eyes. His stomach did a flip.

'You wanted me to stay... What about 'I hate you'?'

Bucky blushed, biting his lips but unable to tear his eyes away from Sam.

'I don't hate you... I actually quite like you'

Sam beamed.


He looked away from Sam, sensing him still staring at him. Suddenly he felt a hand reach for his shoulder again.

'Hm... Look at that'

Sam's arm traveled down Bucky's shoulder.

'So tense...'

He snapped his eyes up.

'But why?'

Bucky was taken aback by the question. He wasn't trying to be tense. It was just Sam...

Had that effect on him.

Sam hummed as Bucky still didn't speak and walked around the kitchen island so he was face to face with Bucky. He released his arm but then instead reached for his left metal hand.

Bucky instantly recoiled, looking disgusted at himself.

'What's wrong?'
'I'm...I'm a machine...why would anyone want to touch me'

Sam frowned at hearing Bucky's words but grabbed his hand again, ignoring the super soldiers discomfort.

'You're not a machine. You're just a very very broken man'

He pulled him closer, leaning in close to his face.

'But I can fix that'

He closed the distance between them, pressing his lips to Bucky's surprised mouth, causing him to drop his other hand by his side and take a step backwards from the force.

It wasn't gentle. It wasn't sweet.

It was needy and desperate.

And Bucky clung to it like a lifeline.

Sam slowly pushed him backwards until his back hit the fridge, with nowhere else to go. He hadn't expected this. But he didn't hesitate to repond to the kiss.

His hands were grabbed and pushed above his head, pinning him still. Kept in place with Sams left hand, his other sliding to Bucky's waist. Bucky was lost in the kiss, any thoughts he'd had gone.

He tried to think. Why would Sam do this? He hated Bucky. They were barely friends...

Well they were friends. But that was it.

Suddenly a bad thought popped into his head, tainting the love and comfort of the kiss.

He's using you.

Bucky moved his mouth away from Sam's.


Sam released his hands and pulled away, looking concerned. He stepped back, slightly but not enough.

'Bucky's what's wrong?'

You're just an object to him.

The nasty, quiet part of Bucky mind was poisoning the attraction he'd felt for Sam and making him pull away.

'N-No... I shouldn't have done this... I-I can't-'

Bucky stepped around Sam and rushed to the sink, turning his face away, silent tears running down his face. His hands shook. He felt broken.

And then there was a soft voice in his ear, destroying all negative thoughts instantly.

'Bucky. If you don't want to do anything it's fine. If you don't want to talk it's fine. If you want me to leave, I'll leave'

Bucky tried to wipe his tears away but a hand grabbed his and stopped him.

'S-Sam. It said you were using me'

Sam turned Bucky to face him, looking sad.

'I'm not, Bucky. I'd never do that. And who told you that?'
'M-My thoughts'

Sam slowly pulled Bucky into a hug, holding him close. The affection was too much. It was too good. If he stayed like that much longer, he'd never want to let go.

So he didn't.

He slowly, tentatively took Sam's hands and leaned back slightly to look him in the eyes.

Sam's warm, comforting, brown eyes. It felt safe to look at Sam and be seen. With no judgement.

And mustering all the bravery he could he slowly leaned in and kissed Sam, feeling his heart stop as Sam responded with the same amount of need and love.

It wasn't perfect but it felt safe.

And that was good enough for the both of them.

Hey there! I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Feel free to comment suggestions and feedback ❤️

Stay safe :)

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