Meeting Alpine

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Thank you so much for the suggestion Cereal_Killer_2021 Ilysm 🥺❤️

Bucky was obviously nervous.

He wouldn't look at Sam directly and he kept fiddling with his hands. Sam knew something was wrong.

He decided to be blunt.

'Bucky what's wron-'
'Do you want to come over to my apartment?'

Bucky spat the words out as quickly as he could, interrupting Sam. Usually Sam would have told him to shut up but he was so taken aback by the question that he didn't.

'Uh... Sure!'

Bucky was inviting Sam to his apartment. Bucky Barnes. Ex assassin. 106 year old. Super soldier.

And he wanted to hang out with Sam.

'Oh cool... Let's go'

A small smile had made its way onto Bucky face and he was visibly excited. Which was sort of cute... But Sam would never admit it to himself.

They headed to Bucky apartment.


The minute the door swung open Sam found himself scanning the room. He was curious to see how the 106 year old lived.

Bucky headed to the kitchen and Sam followed. He assumed he was showing him something.

But no.

When he stepped into the room he saw it straight away.

A small white kitten, sitting in a soft, light grey, cat bed.

Bucky bent down and began talking to the cat. Talking. To. A. Cat.

'Hi Alpine. How was your day?'

The cat ignored him so Bucky scooped it up in his arms and walked to the door, bumping into Sam. He looked faintly surprised to see him, like he'd forgotten he was there.

'Oh... This is Alpine!'

He held the cat out, smiling. Sam looked at the cat then back to Bucky's smiling face. Was he meant to...

He reached out and patted the cats head.

'Uh... Hi Alpine'

Bucky smiled and moved past Sam, heading for the sitting room. Sam looked around, feeling slightly bewildered but followed his friend through to the couch. He sat down and gestured for Sam to join him. Sam did, still staring at the cat.

He wanted to be cuddled by Bucky like that.

He glared at Alpine, feeling jealous.

Stupid cat.

'So... What do you want to watch?'

Sam looked at Bucky, faintly surprised.

'Sorry what?'
'Do you want to watch a movie?'

Bucky seemed unaware of Sam's jealousy towards Alpine. He held up the controller and waved it at Sam.

'You choose'
'Oh okay... Um-'

*Knock knock*

Bucky stood up.

'One sec. I'll just answer'

He placed Alpine down, patted her head fondly and left.

Sam watched him go and when he knew he was gone, grabbed Alpine and pushed her to the kitchen.

'Please leave. You're taking all his attention'

Alpine hissed at him and jumped towards him, making Sam step back, suddenly terrified.

'Whoa whoa wh- NO'

She attacked him and Sam screamed, causing Bucky to run back in, looking worried.


Sam turned his head to Bucky, still holding the cat. Alpine seemed to look at Bucky as well.

Bucky took Alpine and walked out to the kitchen. He closed the door, leaving her in there.

Sam suddenly felt nervous.

Now he truly felt alone with Bucky.

'Um... So. You don't like cats?'

Sam turned to Bucky, who had sat back down.

'No its just- I... I was jealou-'

He cut across himself, looking embarrassed. Bucky tilted his head, looking confused.

'Jealous? What. Why?'
'Uh... I-'
'Wait... I know'

Bucky turned fully to face Sam, a smirk appearing on his face. Sam froze as Bucky leaned closer.

'You're jealous of all the attention I gave her. Right?'
'I saw you. And when I was holding her you glared at her'

But Bucky had figured it out and he knew it. His blue eyes lit up with laughter and amusement.

'You wanted to be held too, huh?'

Sam blushed and tried to argue.

'No I-'
'I can cuddle you if you want'

Bucky smirked at Sam, shuffling closer. He offered his arms out, joking.

Well wait till I take him up on his offer.

'You're jealous of a cat! That's funn-'

Sam grabbed Bucky's hands, dragging him across the couch and into Sam's arms. Bucky froze and didn't pull away when Sam hugged him.

'I-I was not expecting you to take me seriously'
'Well too bad. You offered and I accepted'

Bucky was tense. Sam could tell.

But he knew how to calm him down.

'I mean this isn't exactly the worst but...'

Bucky trailed off when he realised what Sam was doing. His mouth dropped open.

Sam was lightly tracing up and down Bucky's arms. Up and down. Up and down.

'What... Why...'

Bucky stopped speaking and adjusted himself so he was sitting, leaning against Sam. His breathing slowed and he stopped talking.

'Is this okay?'

Sam wanted to make sure Bucky felt okay about it.


The stuttering was so adorable Sam almost laughed. But he didn't want to move Bucky.

'Do you want me to do something?'
'I-I don't mind'

Sam continued tracing down his arms until he fell asleep.

I'm sorry this was a mess 😂

I hope you enjoyed it anyway ☺

Feel free to comment feedback or suggestions! Because I'm running out of ideas...

I have a few suggestions left to do but I'm honestly struggling 😂

Stay safe :)

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