Cat And Mouse Pt 3

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Here's part 3 y'all ☺ Hope u enjoy!

Sam opened his eyes, expecting the darkness of the mineshaft but no. He was in a hospital room. Sunlight streaming through the blinds told him it was early morning and the sudden pain in his head when he sat up told him he was badly injured.

The door swung open. It was a nurse.

'Mr Wilson! How are you feeling?'

Sam tried to move but the nurse ran over to him and pushed him back.

'No no you can't move too much. You'll tear your stitches'

Sam sighed, feeling dejected and laid back down. He wanted to see Sarah, the boys and Bucky-

Except Bucky was the person who had done this to him.

'Where's Buck-I mean James'

The nurse was halfway out the room but when he heard Sam speak he turned back around.

'Seargant Barnes? He's in another room. They are trying to find out what happened. They may need to speak to you later'
'Who's they?'

The nurse shrugged and headed out, leaving Sam with a head full of questions. Even though he was scared he still wanted to see Bucky.


Sam turned back to the door. Sarah!

'Sarah what are you doing here?!'

She looked Sam up and down, looking worried. He looked down at himself.


She pointed at him and winced.

'Yeah you don't look too good...'

Sam groaned and leaned back on his pillow as Sarah walked over to sit beside him.

'I definitely didn't realise tha-'
'What happened to Bucky, Sam?'

Sam looked up at Sarah in surprise. She had seen Bucky?

'You've seen Bucky?'

She shook her head, taking Sam's hand.

'No. No one is allowed in. All I know is that... He did this to you. Why?'

Sam closed his eyes, remembering.

They were infiltrating a suspected super soldier serum manufacturing facility. It was simple. Go in. Come out.

Until it had all gone wrong.

'Bucky... How's it looking over there?'
'I don't see anyone... But there's a ton of vials here'
'Take some samples... If you can'
'Yeah I got some... Can you come over to the left sid-'


'Bucky? Hello?'



Sam panicked. He knew Bucky could handle whatever was thrown at him but it was an impulse to be afraid.

He should have been.

He headed for where Bucky had gone, trying to be quiet. He expected to hear sounds of a fight but nope. Nothing.

It was too quiet.

Sam sped up, still checking to see if Bucky would answer.

He turned the last corner, expecting to see bodies on the ground but no. Just Bucky.

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