The Soul Stone

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Suggested by marvellove15 Thank you so much for the suggestion Ilysm 🥺❤️

This is basically where Sam and Bucky go to retrieve the Soul Stone from vormir and what would have happened. In this we are gonna pretend Sam and Bucky weren't snapped in infinity war for this and that Nat and Clint went somewhere else ☺

I also got inspiration from how Clint and Nat fought to jump over the side.


Lucky Bucky.

Somehow he had ended up retrieving an infinity stone with the one person he had not wanted to end up with.

Sam Wilson.

Bucky had not had the best interactions with him as the first time they'd met he'd ripped the steering wheel out of his car. Sam still brought it up.

Even though it wasn't really him.

The time travelling felt weird but but then it was over.

Time to retrieve an infinity stone.

* * *

'Hey cyborg - Oops I meant Bucky. How you doin'? '

Bucky rolled his eyes at Sam as they made their way up the cliff. He was constantly rolling his eyes.

Sam felt a strange annoyance at not getting a response to his remarks. He needed an insult back! He needed the super soldier to respond.

So he just continued the insults.

'So what are we looking for exactly?'

Bucky shrugged and continued walking ahead. Sam sighed and sped up to walk side by side.

'Hey you know if we have to fight something... You're ready right?'

Bucky pursed his lips together and nodded, slowly.

'Okay... Just making sure'

They walked on. Silence.

Soon they came to a small arch, heading for a cliff.

Bucky stood back, looking terrified. Sam noticed but didn't say anything. He walked to the edge and looked down.

'Uh Bucky. I think it's down there'

Bucky had gone pale.

'H-How will we get it the-'

Sam and Bucky both spun raising their guns. A dark figure stood metres away.

'Who are you?'

The figure spoke and stepped forward so they could see its face.

'I am just a guide to help you reach what you seek'

But Sam knew this wasn't any ordinary person. Bucky's eyes had widened and he had taken a step back, hitting against Sam in his rush to escape.

Sam looked to his friend and rested a hand on his arm causing him to jump slightly.

'Hey. What is it?'

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