Toxic Relationship (High-school AU)

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Thank you so much for the suggestion Sambucky109 You're the best! 😊❤️

BTW I used Sam as the jealous one as I feel like most people would assume its Bucky with his clinginess due to loss but I wanted to switch things up.


At first everything had been perfect.

Perfect, healthy relationship. Until Bucky had met Devon.

Bucky and Devon were friends. And they had begun to hang out a lot. They were in all the same classes too which made it worse.

Sam was jealous.

He wanted to see Bucky all day. He wanted to make it kaugh. He wanted to make him smile. He wanted Bucky all to himself.

And Bucky thought he was crazy.

Bucky was at Sam's house for the first time in what felt like years but was actually just a week. Sam was happy. No Devon.

'Hey Sam!'
'Uh... Devons inviting us to a party
at his house tonight. You wanna go?'

Sam clenched his teeth. No. He did not want to.

But Bucky's perfect smile was on his face and Sam wanted to keep it there.

'Uh... Yeah sure. I mean if you want'

Bucky paused, looking up from his phone. He shot Sam a strange look.


Bucky knelt up on the bed and faced Sam.

'OK I was gonna leave this for another day but its becoming unbearable so I need to address it'

Sam raised an eyebrow and put his phone down.


Bucky sighed, closing his eyes briefly.

'OK. So you and Devon? What's that about? Why don't you like him?'

Sam bit his lip. He really didn't want to start a fight.

But he wanted to be honest.

'Fine. I don't trust him. He's trying to break us up'

Bucky's eyes widened and his mouth fell open. He started laughing.


He continued laughing and then stopped, glaring at Sam.

'OK you're crazy. He. Is. Not. Trying. To. Break. Us. Up. Get that inside your head'
'But he always tries to hang out with you and-'
'We're friends!'

Bucky got off the bed, crossing his arms in annoyance. Sam stood up so they were on the same level.

'He is'
'Shut up. You're crazy'

Sam rolled his eyes and turned away.

'I don't wanna go to the party'
'What?! Come on, Sam. Stop being petty'

Sam turned to him. That was it.

'You know what? If that's how it is why don't you date him then?'

Bucky looked shocked.

'We are friends!'

Now that Sam had started he wasn't stopping.

He paced towards Bucky and began speaking in a harsh whisper.

'Why not though? If you're just friends then why bother going to the party?'

Bucky looked incredulous.

'You're actually crazy'

Bucky's confused yet amused expression disappeared to be replaced by an angry one.

'Okay Sam. We are now on a break'

He turned to the door and began walking out. Sam realised what was happening.

'Wait Bucky! I'm sorry-Wait!'

Bucky walked down the stairs followed by Sam. Sam tried to grab his arm but he dodged him and walked out of the house.

'By the way, I'm not going to that party so you know that I don't even like him. I DON'T EVEN LIKE HIM LIKE THAT'

He walked away.

Sam groaned, putting his head in his hands.

What had he done?

Sorry its short but there will be a part 2 don't worry.

Thank you for reading! And thank u sm for the suggestion ❤️ I really enjoyed writing it!

Feel free to comment suggestions or feedback.

Stay safe :)

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